Hello everyone! I'm working on Permanent Residence Common-law/Spouse in Canada Class Application and came across this consent question at the end of IM0008. I'm having a hard time understanding what it means. It asks to check yes or no. Like is this just a necessary consent question that I tick yes? Any help is appreciated! Thank you!
"Consent to release information to intended province/territory of destination
I, (first name, last name) ____________________ on behalf of myself and all dependants included in this application,authorize Citizenship and Immigration Canada to share the information collected in this application as well as supporting documentation with Provincial and Territorial authorities with responsibility for Immigration for the purposes of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act.
Consent to release information for Evaluation purposes
I agree that the information contained in this application related to my intended occupation, education and work experience may be shared with prospective employers in order to assist them in hiring workers"
"Consent to release information to intended province/territory of destination
I, (first name, last name) ____________________ on behalf of myself and all dependants included in this application,authorize Citizenship and Immigration Canada to share the information collected in this application as well as supporting documentation with Provincial and Territorial authorities with responsibility for Immigration for the purposes of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act.
Consent to release information for Evaluation purposes
I agree that the information contained in this application related to my intended occupation, education and work experience may be shared with prospective employers in order to assist them in hiring workers"