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If you could talk to Minister Alexander, what would you tell him?


Hero Member
Oct 7, 2014
Rayan14 said:
I will actually see him in a few weeks in a private meeting and I am gonna tell him the following:

1- Does the Rt Hon Minister think whether it is fair for hundreds of thousands of people to wait for years to receive their Cdn citizenships?

2- Does he care or acknowledge the suffering that his bloated racist lazy dept intentionally causes people?

3- His Cons party won't be receiving my support in the next federal election. I intend to support the other parties who, when in power, didn't treat citizenship applicants the way Cons have.

4- Please resign.
private meeting?resign? for what? racist? suffering? too many big words from a worthless mouth.
all of us should understand the citizenship is a privilege. nobody asked any of us to come here.


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Aug 5, 2010
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era1521 said:
private meeting?resign? for what? racist? suffering? too many big words from a worthless mouth.
all of us should understand the citizenship is a privilege. nobody asked any of us to come here.


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Aug 5, 2010
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lover-of-love said:
Wilbur, To add insult to injury is a proverb, which means to exacerbate the situation... bambino never said that he was insulted, but I would seriously not wish for u to wait for 3 years and feel the pain others are going through. To answer your question: Do you think the time is taking is done on purpose? OH YES, for sure.. There is an intentional effort in Alberta so that the voting bank does not change much, as there has been a huge influx of immigrants from all over the Canada into Alberta, which is threatening the "rule" of Cons in this province. Just search the bi-election results in Fort McMurray and u ll see easily that Cons won with the smallest margin ever.

Getting Canadian citizenship will make you feel privileged? Well again, as you disagree with bambino, I reserve my right to disagree with you as well.
It is OK to disagree, I disagree with you as well. Probably you guys have evidence of what you are saying.


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Jan 21, 2011
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era1521 said:
private meeting?resign? for what? racist? suffering? too many big words from a worthless mouth.
all of us should understand the citizenship is a privilege. nobody asked any of us to come here.
I don't think I'll get a private meeting but if I do I'll just shake his hand and say Thank You Sir. I for one is sick and tired of labeling some one or some group racist just because you don't agree with them.


Star Member
May 16, 2014
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VAtoCA, you got your oath letter in less than 5 months, so your feelings are understandable. It took me 25 months, routine application up to that point, to even have my test.

I don't think racism is really a factor. I am of European ancestry, and there are many others lily-white applicants who've experienced even longer wait times. The Conservative electorate has a reputation of being anti-immigrant, and much of it is based on racial prejudice, but bigots come in all political stripes. It could well be that Middle Eastern applicants or South Asians who've worked in Dubai are subjected to closer scrutiny, but I doubt their race is the primary reason behind that.

I've written before on the whole "privilege, not a right" thing, and I don't want to get into that again. But I will remind you all that the part of the Citizenship Act that deals with applicants such as most of us (Part I) is titled "The Right to Citizenship". That's a pretty good clue ;)


Champion Member
Jul 14, 2014
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The thing that makes you privileged is that you have been here for at least 1095 days before the submission of the application... That is the big difference between the ordinary people and the privileged ones.


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Jan 21, 2011
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bambino said:
VAtoCA, you got your oath letter in less than 5 months, so your feelings are understandable. It took me 25 months, routine application up to that point, to even have my test.

I don't think racism is really a factor. I am of European ancestry, and there are many others lily-white applicants who've experienced even longer wait times. The Conservative electorate has a reputation of being anti-immigrant, and much of it is based on racial prejudice, but bigots come in all political stripes. It could well be that Middle Eastern applicants or South Asians who've worked in Dubai are subjected to closer scrutiny, but I doubt their race is the primary reason behind that.

I've written before on the whole "privilege, not a right" thing, and I don't want to get into that again. But I will remind you all that the part of the Citizenship Act that deals with applicants such as most of us (Part I) is titled "The Right to Citizenship". That's a pretty good clue ;)
You do know that individual case of application depends on the assigned case officer/local office and the minister has nothing to do with it right? What this minister and this so called anti immigration and racist con gov (sarcasm) has done is significantly reduce the processing time for both citizenship and PR application.


Feb 12, 2015
VAtoCA said:
You do know that individual case of application depends on the assigned case officer/local office and the minister has nothing to do with it right? What this minister and this so called anti immigration and racist con gov (sarcasm) has done is significantly reduce the processing time for both citizenship and PR application.
Well Minsiter has to do with every single bit that deals with citizenship and immigration. If XYZ office is slow than ABC office, it is minister who is accountable for that -unless ABC is paid 6 or 7 times more than XYZ (sarcasm)... You think that bambino's assigned case officer is a lazy guy than yours, and the person responsible is not the Minister?

Reduce the processing time?? Really?? may be for you, but not for everyone.. If it does not happen to you, it does not imply that it s not happening at all. Reducing PR and citizenship application processing time?? I have seen the beautiful chart on CIC website claiming that processing times WILL be reduced, but I dont not see it happening around me... Your application got processed in 5 months- good for u.. i am sure that you are not from Alberta - again good for you.

And I dont know about you or wilbur, but I consider that timely processing of each and every single service that I need (including citizenship application) is my right.. I perform all my duties towards the society (paying taxes, being loyal to government and to this country) in a timely fashion and so I deserve all the services that I need in a timely fashion as well. You may consider yourself less of a born Canadian, by taking your citizenship as a privilege, but I am sure that my citizenship is my right. and period.

Again i am happy for you that your application was processed in 5 months but at the same time, it adds insult to injury when i realize that bambino and others are waiting for over 3 years for a decision on their application. And this is exactly what is termed as discrimination.. You are getting a preferential treatment as compared to someone else, given that you paid the same amount of fee and asked for the same service as someone else.

Search on CBC news: Adam Aboushady, baby of Canadian residents, stranded in Egypt by immigration rules

Oh yes, because it did not happen to you so its all good. (sarcasm). and ya right, this Minister is not responsible for the sufferings of this Egyptian family (sarcasm).


Star Member
May 16, 2014
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I am well aware that the major determining factor is the local office at which an application is processed. If not the Minister's, whose responsibility is it to ensure that resources are allocated fairly and efficiently? Even during the worst years, processing times for many applicants were several months out East, while it took more than two years, on average, in the Prairies. It wasn't until a couple of months ago that the Edmonton office finally hired additional staff.

It was really Jason Kenney who created the problem: it was during his tenure that CIC started issuing RQs left and right without doing anything to increase capacity. There were 260,000 applications approved in 2006, before the Cons took power, and the backlog was 200,000 (and whatever applications there were in the backlog were processed within a year). There were only 110K and 130K applications, respectively, approved in 2012 and 2013, while the backlog doubled to 400,000. Who the hell was responsible for that, space aliens???

To some extent I feel bad for Chris Alexander, because his was given the nearly impossible job of fixing Kenney's ungodly mess. Citizenship processing times have finally improved, but mostly for recent applicants, and mostly in the parts of the country where it will help the Cons in the upcoming elections. PR processing times? When Alexander took office in mid-2013, in-country spousal sponsorship took a little over a year. It takes more than 2 years now. PR card renewals went from 80 days in 2013 to 160 in 2014. Great job, no doubt!


Hero Member
Mar 13, 2014
Toronto, Ontario
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bambino, when you talk to him don't be emotional, just clearly mention facts & numbers and politely ask to speed up all current processing times in every direction - citizenship applications, PRs, visas, etc.

Mention to him how we are all frustrated for waiting so long.....


Hero Member
Oct 7, 2014
bambino said:
I am well aware that the major determining factor is the local office at which an application is processed. If not the Minister's, whose responsibility is it to ensure that resources are allocated fairly and efficiently? Even during the worst years, processing times for many applicants were several months out East, while it took more than two years, on average, in the Prairies. It wasn't until a couple of months ago that the Edmonton office finally hired additional staff.

It was really Jason Kenney who created the problem: it was during his tenure that CIC started issuing RQs left and right without doing anything to increase capacity. There were 260,000 applications approved in 2006, before the Cons took power, and the backlog was 200,000 (and whatever applications there were in the backlog were processed within a year). There were only 110K and 130K applications, respectively, approved in 2012 and 2013, while the backlog doubled to 400,000. Who the hell was responsible for that, space aliens???

To some extent I feel bad for Chris Alexander, because his was given the nearly impossible job of fixing Kenney's ungodly mess. Citizenship processing times have finally improved, but mostly for recent applicants, and mostly in the parts of the country where it will help the Cons in the upcoming elections. PR processing times? When Alexander took office in mid-2013, in-country spousal sponsorship took a little over a year. It takes more than 2 years now. PR card renewals went from 80 days in 2013 to 160 in 2014. Great job, no doubt!
My question is very simple; what is the rush in getting citizenship (and I'm not necessary addressing to bambino, even if I quote his post)
I can understand it for, lets say refugees or job candidates to jobs requiring citizenship, but with PR status we have all the rights as citizens except voting and passport. Voting? who tells me cant sleep and wait to get the citizenship to cast a vote?
Comon, thats crap. Most of us have no idea or understand political games to voice up the vote counts. If ask everyone on this forum and generally any immigrant what is political platform of PC opposed to Liberals or NDP i'm not sure how many would have an answer. Not to mention if ask what are the differences between PC and Liberal ideology.
So then everything comes down to passport. Working in US maybe? Thats even worse hypocrisy. Living up to age of 25-30 in a country requiring to have a visa to visit places like Europe and then immigrating to Canada and start howling after 3 yrs why your citizenship in not processed in a week, because you cant have that most wanted passport?
I can only tell you my story with CIC; back in 2006 I applied for citizenship and eventually after the whole 9 yards (RQ, Hearing with a Judge) I was refused for residency concerns. I had my passport lost just before my test date and it did not matter bank statements, mortgage papers, insurance, T4, notice of assessments, police report, etc, etc. The Judge denied and in judgment clearly stated apart of all evidence provided the missing passport its all that matter. What I was supposed to do? Go on a hunger strike in Ottawa?
I’m still here, applied again in 2014 and granted two days ago. So what?


Full Member
Mar 19, 2014
wilbur said:
I would congratulate him on the great work CIC is doing overall!
That's funny, I've applied for citizenship before you even landed here and I'm still waiting for the effin citizenship test... What I would tell him if I met him? Hmmm, that's a really, really good question...


Champion Member
Jul 14, 2014
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era1521 said:
My question is very simple; what is the rush in getting citizenship (and I'm not necessary addressing to bambino, even if I quote his post)
I can understand it for, lets say refugees or job candidates to jobs requiring citizenship, but with PR status we have all the rights as citizens except voting and passport. Voting? who tells me cant sleep and wait to get the citizenship to cast a vote?
Comon, thats crap. Most of us have no idea or understand political games to voice up the vote counts. If ask everyone on this forum and generally any immigrant what is political platform of PC opposed to Liberals or NDP i'm not sure how many would have an answer. Not to mention if ask what are the differences between PC and Liberal ideology.
So then everything comes down to passport. Working in US maybe? Thats even worse hypocrisy. Living up to age of 25-30 in a country requiring to have a visa to visit places like Europe and then immigrating to Canada and start howling after 3 yrs why your citizenship in not processed in a week, because you cant have that most wanted passport?
I can only tell you my story with CIC; back in 2006 I applied for citizenship and eventually after the whole 9 yards (RQ, Hearing with a Judge) I was refused for residency concerns. I had my passport lost just before my test date and it did not matter bank statements, mortgage papers, insurance, T4, notice of assessments, police report, etc, etc. The Judge denied and in judgment clearly stated apart of all evidence provided the missing passport its all that matter. What I was supposed to do? Go on a hunger strike in Ottawa?
I'm still here, applied again in 2014 and granted two days ago. So what?
I've started to ask the same question a little while ago... it seems that many people believe and hope that after they become Canadians then magically their life standard will become better in a matter of a short time.

Many people are hoping and dreaming about this government jobs, but the reality is that many other Canadians are still waiting to get to one of this government jobs, because there are no open positions, but the waiting line from other Canadians is already too long .

Many people are hoping to go and work in US, but they should not forget that again their status in US will be temporary and in practice getting a job in US on a temporary basis with a good payment is again simply a dream...

Many people want the citizenship because of a visa free traveling, but lets don't forget that all the good travels and really good exotic vacations are still away from the people, because they are simply too expensive...

So what is really the practical change with or without a Canadian citizenship?

For me there is no difference, and that's why I also wonder what is that hysteria about that passport...


Hero Member
Aug 14, 2014
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era1521 said:
private meeting?resign? for what? racist? suffering? too many big words from a worthless mouth.
all of us should understand the citizenship is a privilege. nobody asked any of us to come here.
Be polite, respectful and decent. That's the Canadian way.
It seems to me that you don't know a thing about Canada. I happen live in a free country called Canada, and I am afforded the right to mouth off whatever I want to about the current or past government policies, cabinet ministers and the conduct of politics in this land. And yes it shall be a one on one meeting. Jealous much?
In fact, you're a sheep who thinks a government employee or a callous/uncaring minister can't be questioned by members of public. And I think you have no idea what it is to lose a prime job opportunity when one's citinzenship is delayed for 38 months. So sit down and shut your pie hole. I didn't ask your opinion and wasn't talking to you either. Kapish?


Hero Member
Aug 14, 2014
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bambino said:
I am well aware that the major determining factor is the local office at which an application is processed. If not the Minister's, whose responsibility is it to ensure that resources are allocated fairly and efficiently? Even during the worst years, processing times for many applicants were several months out East, while it took more than two years, on average, in the Prairies. It wasn't until a couple of months ago that the Edmonton office finally hired additional staff.

It was really Jason Kenney who created the problem: it was during his tenure that CIC started issuing RQs left and right without doing anything to increase capacity. There were 260,000 applications approved in 2006, before the Cons took power, and the backlog was 200,000 (and whatever applications there were in the backlog were processed within a year). There were only 110K and 130K applications, respectively, approved in 2012 and 2013, while the backlog doubled to 400,000. Who the hell was responsible for that, space aliens???

To some extent I feel bad for Chris Alexander, because his was given the nearly impossible job of fixing Kenney's ungodly mess. Citizenship processing times have finally improved, but mostly for recent applicants, and mostly in the parts of the country where it will help the Cons in the upcoming elections. PR processing times? When Alexander took office in mid-2013, in-country spousal sponsorship took a little over a year. It takes more than 2 years now. PR card renewals went from 80 days in 2013 to 160 in 2014. Great job, no doubt!
That's right. Jason Kenney was the one who created this mess and issued RQs mostly on racial/geographical origins of the applicants. It is a stain on the Conservatives. Time for them to go. It wasn't like this under the Libs.