itsmerags said:
Congrats for your excellent score....
can you suggest me some tips and suggestions exam is on Oct 2nd
Thanks !!!
Speaking is the easiest thing. Just need to relax and be calm . If you try too hard there will be mistakes.
Do not take much time in answering the questions, do not try and go at fast pace , going at fast pace does not show fluency.
In Listening concentrate on what is been said. Never look back , if you miss couple of answers. If you hear properly you can make calculated guess towards the end. Thus very important to hear very well. Do not make spelling mistakes.
In writing make sure you write what is asked , doing the task is critical. Make sure you finish the whole thing in 50 mins and have 10 mins to look for silly mistakes, you will easily find 4 - 5 of them .
In reading do not waste time over a question if you cannot find an answer. Just proceed.
Make sure you finish the first two sections in about 20 mins. You must keep time for last section , at least 15
20 mins because last section you would need to read properly. IN true false , not given , read those sentences properly and do not assume. If something is Not given do not try and find it forcefully.
best of luck for your exams !!!