You're talking about two different OWP streams:deweysmith said:The OWP program is a one-year pilot program. Details here. The two are tied together, you submit an application for Permanent Residency via Spouse Sponsorship in Canada and you include an Open Work Permit application in it. Once you have reached the sponsorship approval stage, CIC will issue you an open work permit so you can work while they finish processing the rest of your application.
june1990 said:thaks all for your reply! so i should apply for common law sponsorship first then open work permit???
In order to get sponsored for PR as a common law, you need to have been living together as common law partners for at least 12 months and if you are not out of status in Canada, you may apply for an OWP along with your PR application.june1990 said:hello, yes i am currently living in Canada. I am from Philippines. can i process my OWP at the same time with my PR?