Hi there, I am from Mexico and I have been applied twice to get a work permit but have beed refused both times, the reason is because I am inadmissible to Canada, I have been charged for domestic violence in the USA on 2011, I demonstrated I didnt hurt my wife, and the charge was misdemeanor, with 3 years probation and a fine, which I paid already, I sent the FBI report, the payment what I did to the court, 3 references from the company where I worked, marry letter, I went to anger managment classes and send evidence, a letter from my wife testifying I didnt hurt her, also I sent a letter explaining all my case.
I knew about been inadmissible, and I know I cant apply for "TRP" because I am not in Canada, also I cant apply for rehabilitation, because when my probation and when I finished paying the fine, was a year ago,and to apply for rehabilitation has to pass 5 years.
I am skilled worker, speak english, having references, but I dont how to convince the immigration agents, I am not criminal, I am not searching to stay there after my work permit ends, I have my wife, my two children,my home, a job, in my home country, my LMIA contract ends on november 11 2015, do I have to re-apply? let me incclude the "x" saying my refusal.
1-"x" After a careful review of your work permit application and supporting documentation, I have determined that your application does not meet the requirements of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act and Regulations I am refusing your application.
2-"x" You are a member of an inadmissible person class of person described in the immigration and Refugee Protection Act. As a result you are inadmissible to Canada pursuant to the following Section(s)
3-"x" You have not satisfied me that you would leave Canada by the end of the period authorized for your stay, in reaching this decision , I considered several factors, including.
"x" Lenght of proposed stay in Canada
"x"Purpose of visit
3-Section 40(1)(a) and Section(2)(a): You are still inadmissible to Canada as a period ot two years has not passed since your prior refusal.
I knew about been inadmissible, and I know I cant apply for "TRP" because I am not in Canada, also I cant apply for rehabilitation, because when my probation and when I finished paying the fine, was a year ago,and to apply for rehabilitation has to pass 5 years.
I am skilled worker, speak english, having references, but I dont how to convince the immigration agents, I am not criminal, I am not searching to stay there after my work permit ends, I have my wife, my two children,my home, a job, in my home country, my LMIA contract ends on november 11 2015, do I have to re-apply? let me incclude the "x" saying my refusal.
1-"x" After a careful review of your work permit application and supporting documentation, I have determined that your application does not meet the requirements of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act and Regulations I am refusing your application.
2-"x" You are a member of an inadmissible person class of person described in the immigration and Refugee Protection Act. As a result you are inadmissible to Canada pursuant to the following Section(s)
3-"x" You have not satisfied me that you would leave Canada by the end of the period authorized for your stay, in reaching this decision , I considered several factors, including.
"x" Lenght of proposed stay in Canada
"x"Purpose of visit
3-Section 40(1)(a) and Section(2)(a): You are still inadmissible to Canada as a period ot two years has not passed since your prior refusal.