I guess we are experiencing more or less the same situations.
I applied for my PR in September 2011 and still waiting. I miss working like crazy and there some days in which I feel Im exploding. Thank God I have my partner who is always there to support me financially and emotionally, he's my rock!
For me it's hard, very hard. Before I applied for PR I was the kind of person happy to work 12 hrs a day and sometimes I used to go to the office during weekends and public holidays. I was always the first one in the office and very often the last one to leave.
When I applied for PR last year I knew it would have not been easy, but after 11 months has started to be very frustrating.
Of course the love for my partner and our future together worth more than everything and that's the only thought that makes me smile and give me the energy to go on
To keep myself busy I go to the gym, I go for walks, I cook a lot (Im originally from Italy and I think my partner appreciates my cooking skills a lot lol), I clean a lot, I read, I'm doing tons of scrapbook albums lol I have always been bad with manual things but I love scrapbooking

what else....I manage our money and find new ways to safe and to invest.
As I have tons of time I always keep an eye on grocery offers and buy from different places in oder to save a bit but mostly because it takes me longer to buy everything we need
I already speak and write English and French but after your suggestions I'm thinking to learn Spanish

If I had the money I would love to get the car and travel from Toronto to Vancouver...please let me dream

The most important thing, in my opinion, is to always be positive and optimistic. It's hard but not impossible and the reward to be with your loves for ever is way bigger than any kind of frustration.
I wish the best to all of you!
p.s. the only thing I would change if I could go back is I would have never applied Inland again