I am tired. :'( I called CIC last week, and the told me our file (appealed case) was sent back to delhi and it arrived on the 13 of April. We had done an enquirey to Delhi to change my husbands address and to see how long before we would hear something. They replied saying that they have not received our file or the documents saying that our appeal was allowed NOTHING, but I could fax the documents concerning the appeal to Delhi. I contacted my local MP to see if they could find out things and they said our file was in Delhi on the 9th of April. I told her my concern about the IO who was so rude I complained about her and a note was placed on her work record. I was worried if she was to handle our case she would purposely delay our case. The lady at the MP's office told me thats why she is going to keep checking on our case. I should know something on Tuesday. Its a bit confusing.