The only "issue" would be that it would be nice to be able to continue to work here in the states (no more than a few months after being accepted) while I look for employment in Canada. It makes me a little uncomfortable leaving my current employment in the states to immediately move to Canada with nothing lined up for me. Obviously, my wife would have no issue supporting me during that time if I needed her to. But if there is a way I can continue to work and save money while I look for employment in Canada, that would be ideal. Judging by the responses this appears to be a weird/uncommon hope for me to have. In my eyes this just seems like the responsible thing to do. I am not a HUGE risk taker, and going to Canada BEFORE I have work lined up is a risk I would rather not be forced to take. Now if I am accepted and my landing date isn't for 2+ months, then this probably isn't really a concern. My concern is more if I am accepted and my landing date is in 1-2 weeks, I would love for me to be able to land, and then TEMPORARILY return to the US to continue working until I find work in Canada.
Thanks for information guys.