Hello all, do all HIV+ PR applicants need to go through an interview with the visa office? What happens if my application is processed in a country different from where I live? Would I have to travel there? I'm very confused about the whole process.
I am not sure about the PR application because I applied for a study permit. But I think the same rule applies to both.
and as
@canuck78 mentioned, the interview will be conducted if they feel the need for it and they will communicate with you for the same. Follow their instructions. They will provide all the instructions, so please don't overthink it as long as you are providing them with whatever they need. and you can always write them a Letter of Explanation to explain why you are not able to travel/ provide a certain thing.
And if you haven't applied for the PR application yet, and you are really worried, it would be safer to apply in the country where you live. how can it be processed in a different country if you applied in the country of your residence? unless you apply in a different country, then you are taking some risk for sure.
Don't overthink it and follow the process.