hi evry one help here so please help me.here is my story.i come to canada like 7 months ago i meet my wife long time ago and she sponsor me to come here and now we leaving in here parents house because we have no place to stay and i cant find work evry time i go for interview they ask me for a Canadian experience and sure because i am new i have not.so my probleme start the first day i come here my wife mother start to look at me like i am some one come from other planet from the first day i come she start to give me a order like i am slave and my wife always tell me that i need to do what she want because we leaving in her house my wife dad is a good men never say any or did any thing to me but always her mother try to hurt me and to remind me i am staying in her house with no work so i need to be her slave specially that her daughter (my wife ) sponsored me to come here...so i tell my wife we need to move because its hard to live like that she told me that we have no place to go and its will cost us to live out so you need to do whatever she ask you without say any word ...so its like hell her mother always try to hurt me and if i try to make her happy or do something make her change her treetment she say that am kissing her ass and i am not like that she always make fun of my language because i am not very good and try to hurt me and make fun of my religien because i am muslem...i have a daughter with my wife and some times she try to make me feel that i have no right to do any thing with here because always her daughter sponsored me(my wife)...i really don't want to do that any more and i am scared if i leave the house it will be prob with my wife and she can make her divorce me and send me back to my country because she tell me that one day like she teasing but she was not.my prob is not to leave in Canadam or not my prob if i get prob with my wife and divorce me that will effect my residence her and sure i cant leave without my daughter she now my only reason for life...so please i need help what i can do i love my wife but she don't want to help and she like she just bring me her to work and make money she is like a new one i never met her before she tell me you all right and blabla and when her mother start to fight she start to bitch at me like her mother always right please i want to leave that house but i am so worry if that will effect my residence in Canada and if my wife divorce me she can really send me back to my country because i have feeling that she will do because her mother and because i am not working but i swear i try to get a work but they want me to work a very good job.so please advice me what i can do i cant leave like that its 7 or 8 month and i cant take any more i am sick of it please answer my question and what i can do and if i have any right of my daughter if i am a permanent resident my daughter was born here ...thnx in advice