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Hey Guys Just For information Canada Or Australia


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Jan 9, 2011
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Hey guys WHich one is more good canada or asutralia as i know we dont require work permit we can do job from the first day of our college and i know racism is in australia

But what you guys think


Hero Member
Sep 8, 2011
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By the behaviour which I have observed of people here in Canada. You wont even feel that "racism" exists in their dictionary. Extremely nice people.

However, the opposite goes for the weather! :p .. COLD!!!!


yes australiya is also good country for study and work. it is fact that unemployement rate in australiya.is lower than canada.
and yes from the first day we can do off camp. work permit.

breaking news for australiya.
if you study in aus. in master course for 2 years you will get 2 years post study work permit. about pr i dont know.
anyone knows how to get pr in australiya?


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Jan 9, 2011
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Yup But AS far AM scared of is racism in Austrailia first i thought of applying to australia and employment rate is good


Hero Member
Mar 16, 2012
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Sent after medical on 28-Aug-2012
In sha Allah on 11th-Dec-2012
PR is quite easy in Canada rather than in Australia..
But if you guys gonna make bucks then A is better than C. 8)


Champion Member
xtremist said:
Hey guys WHich one is more good canada or asutralia as i know we dont require work permit we can do job from the first day of our college and i know racism is in australia

But what you guys think
There is actually no real on the face/daily racism in Australia atleast. It's perception really. My cousin is PR there... he says, never met an Australian white (majority of Australian population) who is racist or spoke in derogatory terms towards non-whites... The past media hype of attacks on Indian/South Asian students and before that on Vietnamese/Asians.. in Australia ..is in reality... is by the LEBANESE IMMIGRANTS/ Australians of LEBANESE ORIGIN, who are a big problem there (they are described as people of Mediterranean or Middle eastern background)..have many street gangs (part of street gang culture and many groups have such like Chinese, Vietnamese, Native aboriginals, Whites/, Bikers, Italian mafia etc.)..these Lebanese started migrating during 1980's.. 've big population..and with social welfare support.. the youths there hardly study or do any work..and indulgent in illegal and violent activities on the streets of Sydney, Melbourne etc. So, these LEBANESE are the people who attack new immigrants from South Asia, Asia... in total paranoia that they will not get social benefits or jobs, if new educated immigrants keep coming. That's the reality..which hardly any Indian media showed..and instead blamed entirely on white Australians!

In fact, the situation became so worse.. during 2005, Australia saw riots in Cronulla, New South Wales..which spread to suburbs of Sydney. The white Australians got fed up, when these Lebanese youths started molesting and behaving inappropriately with white Australian women wearing bikini on beaches. These led to a widespread anger among original white Australians..and they said enough is enough..and they retaliated back on Lebanese. And then these Lebanese realized..if they continue..they will be screwed totally..and backed down. Since then,. things are under control.
In-fact, Lebanese and native aboriginals are the largest population in prisons of Australia. And frankly, apart form the Lebanese, you will find native aboriginals..who are as dark or darker than South Asians, more racist as they strongly believe.. Australia is their land..and all are outsiders.

Regarding comparison between Australia & Canada.. check my previous post:


Apr 28, 2012
Australians are generally friendly, but until about Sept 2013 when this present dysfunctional minority Aust. Federal Labour government is annihilated in the next election DO NOT come to Australia expecting a fair deal in immigration. The IELTS test alone demands FOUR 8's in reading, writing, speaking and listening. You now get less points towards permanent residency if you are under 25. (This was because they wanted to block the majority of Asian students who were already in Australia and wanted residency.) You are charged up to 500% course fees than what an Australian pays and the quality varies from good (if you know the colleges) to mediocre (if you don't). On top of that, there will be in June an "Expression of Interest" system where you have to apply to be invited as a resident. Till June 2012, the passmark for Permanent Residency is 65 and no restriction on how many apply. After June 2012, there will be quotas set in each profession and nobody knows where they will set the passmark, could be 70 or more, or less. DONT ever think you can come to Australia and study a trade then get residency on your own merits like it used to be. Unless you can find a large company to sponsor you and put up with truckloads of red tape, dont waste your time and money. Australia at present is undergoing a crisis of incompetence foisted by rabid unions only interested in personal power regardless of the great harm they are doing to companies and working people alike.


Apr 28, 2012
Australians are generally friendly, but until about Sept 2013 when this present dysfunctional minority Aust. Federal Labour government is annihilated in the next election DO NOT come to Australia expecting a fair deal in immigration. The IELTS test alone demands FOUR 8's in reading, writing, speaking and listening, even though admittance to nurse registration only requires four sevens. You now get fewer points towards permanent residency if you are under 25. (This was because they wanted to block the majority of young Asian students who were already in Australia and wanted residency.)

However, student visas are easier to get because you are viewed as a cash cow. You are charged up to 500% more for course fees than what an Australian pays, (you pay $60,000 Aust for a 3 year Bach. Nursing Degree course) and the quality varies from good (if you know the colleges) to mediocre (if you don't).

But for permanent residency, there will be in June an "Expression of Interest" system where you have to apply to be invited as a resident. Till June 2012, the pass mark for Permanent Residency is 65 and no restriction yet on how many qualify even though difficult. After June 2012, there will be quotas set in each profession and nobody knows where the union lobby will tell the immigration minister to set the pass mark, could be 70 or more, or less. DONT ever think you can come to Australia and study a trade then get residency on your own merits like it used to be. Unless you are from an English speaking country or you can find a large company to sponsor you and put up with truckloads of red tape, dont waste your time and money.

However, if you risk your life and arrive on a boat, whilst throwing away your passport to claim asylum, you will get favoured treatment and given up to a $10,000 subsidy. These boat people jump the queue and are displacing some 4500 genuine refugees from Australia’s allotment of some 13,500 annually. It’s not because Labour loves Asians or refugees. It’s because a small fascist Green voting block holds the balance of power and can tell Labour Government what to legislate. The Greens also forced a crippling 23% carbon tax on the economy, which tax Australians hate, to be unleashed in June. Cost of living is expected to skyrocket in fuel, gas, transport, electricity, rent, etc. Yes insanity rules.

The extended visa working periods in effect after June 2012 (2 years plus) apply to Degrees and Doctorates “to get experience” only and the policy is that any student should not expect an automatic right to immigration. (It will depend on the quota set at the time.)

The Health Service Union one of the biggest in Australia (70,000 members) has two high officials under investigation for fraud. One paid himself $320,000 plus per annum (plus other director fees, plus alleged fraudulent expenses) whilst their members average $70,000 wages. The government is protecting them at all costs because their one electoral vote is crucial for Labour to retain power at least until about Sept 2013.

Australia at present is undergoing a crisis of incompetence foisted by rabid unions only interested in personal power, and protecting their high awards, (no migrant competition thanks) regardless of the great harm they are doing to Australian companies and working people alike. Don’t be fooled by rosy statements of the current Australian Labour Government, they only apply to a select few.


Hero Member
Apr 19, 2011
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09 FEB 2012
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15 April 2012
30 April 2012
Sep 18 2012 Shuker Allah.
tiger007 said:
There is actually no real on the face/daily racism in Australia atleast. It's perception really. My cousin is PR there... he says, never met an Australian white (majority of Australian population) who is racist or spoke in derogatory terms towards non-whites... The past media hype of attacks on Indian/South Asian students and before that on Vietnamese/Asians.. in Australia ..is in reality... is by the LEBANESE IMMIGRANTS/ Australians of LEBANESE ORIGIN, who are a big problem there (they are described as people of Mediterranean or Middle eastern background)..have many street gangs (part of street gang culture and many groups have such like Chinese, Vietnamese, Native aboriginals, Whites/, Bikers, Italian mafia etc.)..these Lebanese started migrating during 1980's.. 've big population..and with social welfare support.. the youths there hardly study or do any work..and indulgent in illegal and violent activities on the streets of Sydney, Melbourne etc. So, these LEBANESE are the people who attack new immigrants from South Asia, Asia... in total paranoia that they will not get social benefits or jobs, if new educated immigrants keep coming. That's the reality..which hardly any Indian media showed..and instead blamed entirely on white Australians!

In fact, the situation became so worse.. during 2005, Australia saw riots in Cronulla, New South Wales..which spread to suburbs of Sydney. The white Australians got fed up, when these Lebanese youths started molesting and behaving inappropriately with white Australian women wearing bikini on beaches. These led to a widespread anger among original white Australians..and they said enough is enough..and they retaliated back on Lebanese. And then these Lebanese realized..if they continue..they will be screwed totally..and backed down. Since then,. things are under control.
In-fact, Lebanese and native aboriginals are the largest population in prisons of Australia. And frankly, apart form the Lebanese, you will find native aboriginals..who are as dark or darker than South Asians, more racist as they strongly believe.. Australia is their land..and all are outsiders.

Regarding comparison between Australia & Canada.. check my previous post:
I think we should look yourself first .

Gugrat , and other dozen of roits in our own place .
See mumbai where now days people demanding that non marathi speaker should not allowed etc etc.

Afrer all this we should stop calling Western world as Raciest , i in UK since 6 year and feel that its human nature to do favour to there friends/or person who is his native , thats not racism. Got my brother in law in Australia and he is Doctor there , he only say Australia bit selfish and they just want best people to get settle , on top due to growing economy and nice weather. When they having que of prople dying to get residencey they its but obvious that they will be very picky .

Why we wanna go to such place unless you are perfect in there scale .

We havent got any right to go there land and blame them for not welcoming you .

Get to country like Ca and Newzeland who welcome you .


Champion Member
Aquib said:
I think we should look yourself first .

Gugrat , and other dozen of roits in our own place .
See mumbai where now days people demanding that non marathi speaker should not allowed etc etc.

Afrer all this we should stop calling Western world as Raciest , i in UK since 6 year and feel that its human nature to do favour to there friends/or person who is his native , thats not racism. Got my brother in law in Australia and he is Doctor there , he only say Australia bit selfish and they just want best people to get settle , on top due to growing economy and nice weather. When they having que of prople dying to get residencey they its but obvious that they will be very picky .

Why we wanna go to such place unless you are perfect in there scale .

We havent got any right to go there land and blame them for not welcoming you .

Get to country like Ca and Newzeland who welcome you .

1. I never denied the fact..that people prefer their own race/language community to become friends. It's natural. Yeah.. you are right... about that. As far as Australia is concerned..those who do good skilled job in big companies (like my own cousin)..are PR there..are having a wonderful life. They never face racism (atleast his and his friend's cases) form white original Aussies..rather they face racism form other minorities like the aboriginal people and the Lebanese. I'm not sure ..how the unskilled Indian/South Asian labor is treated there..who is not a PR.

2. Yeah..differences are everywhere... even in our own Bharat... Be it the massacre and killings of Kashmiri pundits for centuries in Kashmir.. or abroad.. like the genocide of Jews... by Nazis... we can have 1000 such examples of animosity and hate... both in past and present. But, I see no point in bringing up that.

3. I agree.. most Indians, Pakistanis, Chinese..other ethnic communities... live in a ghetto..on their own..don't mix with the Canadians, Australians etc..the mainstream western community..don't integrate to their society...and when they don't find any positive reaction form the general community...they call the whites racist. In-fact... the aboriginal communities of Australia..and Canada (native american Indians) are much more hostile to us..than the whites... so..it's all about perception.

4. As far as..how I individually will be welcomed or not in Canada... I think, it will depend on variety of factors... including our own will and ability to integrate into the mainstream society.


Star Member
Apr 19, 2012
Australia is unfair man!
Very hard to get PR there.
The spiders snakes and many deadly animals. urgh! Horrible!
imagine a Gigantic spider crawling to your neck at night. or a taipan under your bed.

They act like they are bad ass towards other. but in reality majority are spoiled citizen because of the benefits of their country.
While Asians, Specially our hard working indian brothers who are working fairly and non violent people giving a lot of benefits to those who are not working citizens there.


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Mar 16, 2012
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Sent after medical on 28-Aug-2012
In sha Allah on 11th-Dec-2012
yaar IMMIGRATION is not your right .... They are well wishers of their own nation and not they have taken any oath of the responsibility of every foreigner who comes to their land ...

Will you give me PR in your country ???? what about that ??


Champion Member
Nov 28, 2011
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Med's Done....
22/02/2012-----Further Medical Done on 18/04/2012----Second Further Medical Done on 05/06/2012----Third Further Medical done on 10/09/2012
Passport Req..
Australia and Canada are far better in human rights than south Asian countries.......There might be some scattered incidents but over all they are too good.........