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Help! Suckered Into Marriage By Scam Artist.


Apr 14, 2010
So basically, here's the story.. I live in Ontario.
I met this man from Eastern Europe through a friend.. We hit it off, started dating, things were going really well. Fell in love, moved in together, he proposed, we got married last year.
What he didn't tell me until after we were married and bought a vehicle together was that he had applied as a refugee. He most certainly was not truthful on his applications. Life for him was FINE back home.
Things started to get fishy with us. He started acting strange and got the order to leave Canada. He left voluntarily (and left me with a mega expensive vehicle that isn't paid off yet) a few weeks ago. I've barely heard from him, he won't help with the car payments, and I'm absolutely devastated.
It has become quite evident that he was just using me to try and get citizenship, and when that didn't work, he bailed.
We were going to send the papers for me to sponsor him, but they were just missing my signature.. I'm now worried because his friend has the sponsorship papers and will forge my signature, because I've since refused to sign a thing now that I've caught on he was using me.
I want to divorce him ASAP and let the government know this guy is a fraud and may be using my name and signature without my permission.
How do I go about that? I'm absolutely heartbroken and terrified of what's going to happen to my credit because of this clown.
Are there any specific numbers I should call to report this guy and get the marriage annulled quickly?
Thank you so much for your help!
The Berzerker


VIP Member
Jun 13, 2008
Job Offer........
Contact CIC, see http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/contacts/index.asp and tell them who you are and that you were about to start sponsorship of your husband but you are now divorcing and you wish to withdraw it in advance should he decide to send in the papers.

If you know if this was an inland or outland application, you can also contact Vegreville if it's inland or Mississauga if it's outland directly. You can find their mailing addresses at http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/offices/index.asp#canada

As for the credit problem, always try to mitigate your damages if you are in over your head. I do not know what kind of lease you have or a loan or what but go to your creditors, explain to them that your husband has left you holding the bag and that you can not afford the payments and see if there is a way to get out of it. If it's a lease, you may be able to find someone to take it over. You may have to take a loss on this but it would be better to do that than to wait until you can't make the payments any more and they come and repo the car anyway.


Champion Member
Sep 29, 2009
Visa Office......
Hong Kong
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
November 2009
Med's Done....
October 2009 and 15 April 2011
4 April 2011
Passport Req..
4 April 2011
7 July 2011
15 July 2011
Also, if you had credit cards or joint bank accounts, terminate them ASAP. Otherwise, he might be able to withdraw the money using offshore bank machines, and he could well run up credit-card bills that you will be responsible for paying.