Hello, my name is ninos khoshaba, I am 21 years old turning 22 in August 1st, in January/2019 I applied for refugee at Port of Detroit because I was inadmissable because of my 1 theft misdemeanor ( which im in the process of expungment, i got approved for it so it should be deleted off my record permanently in 3-4 months). After I was let in as a refugee, I had my court date October/2019 and I was denied because I wasnt eligible as a refugee for some agreement between the USA and Canada. I did not have a a lawyer and when I asked the judge she told me to wait for the mail. But supposdly I had 30 days to leave Canada and I did not know and ended up overstaying until the Canadian immigration sent me papers and I had an interview with them and we discussed when Im leaving which I left in February/2020. We already submitted a family sponsorship through my mom and its been a month since we've sent it out. But now I want to apply for a trp to see my family for a while, I am working now so I am able to get a letter from my work saying I am off for 2 weeks and I need to be back in town and I would have recommendation letters from family ?. My question is if I go and apply in person October since the 1 year bar for trp will be good at the border im I elgible if I go in person ? And do I need to fill out an application before getting to the border or do I fill out the application at the border ? If not at the border how do I obtain an application ?