I took the IELTS exam yesterday.
However, in the task 2 writing 250 words , the question was: "cars are being used more and more, do you think that the advantages of people owning a car overweigh its disadvantages on the environment?"
but the problem is that I wrote somthing else!!because I didn't get the meaning of the questoin.
I wrote about disadvantages of the increase of cars in the future
I wrote about traffic and accidents !
I'm worried about the results because i need it for my college.
So please can anyone tell me how much i will lose marks for this ??
oh just to tell you :
1-I wrote 270 words.
2-Just a few mistakes.
3-I used some Good vocabulary.
4-included an introduction + supporting sentences + conclusion.
I took the IELTS exam yesterday.
However, in the task 2 writing 250 words , the question was: "cars are being used more and more, do you think that the advantages of people owning a car overweigh its disadvantages on the environment?"
but the problem is that I wrote somthing else!!because I didn't get the meaning of the questoin.
I wrote about disadvantages of the increase of cars in the future
I'm worried about the results because i need it for my college.
So please can anyone tell me how much i will lose marks for this ??
oh just to tell you :
1-I wrote 270 words.
2-Just a few mistakes.
3-I used some Good vocabulary.
4-included an introduction + supporting sentences + conclusion.