Your case is same as mine. My classes have started on august 11 and i have missed the intake. However, i have rolled over the admission, along with funding offer. Dont panic and dont worry. Life goes on. Roll over your admission along with your funding offer dear, thats the first and foremost step. Tell them that i am yet to hear from visa office and they will guide you. Explore the options for rolling over your admission. Now, what you can do about your application is, and its the only thing that you can do, email all the documents along with upfront medical documents to these email addresses:
Please mention your online application number, full name, and date of birth and date of applying in that e-mail.
I did all of it and much more and nothing happened for me. So dont expect much. I think the mix up is actually happening at the level of biometric transmission. My biometric information wasnt uploaded for 29 days and its status changed the night my 30 days were expiring.
On the upside: There is this guy, who in this forum expressed the same problem (Other than me hahahaha) and he told that he got the visa AFTER his intake has started, he has got the visa but university isnt allowing him to join the course. Inbox him. He may be helpful. Also, I dont think that SOP/ Personal study plan submission is required. Its at best an Auxiliary document. Your documents are complete in all respects. Other than, maybe the statement of this uncle thing-I guess u need your dad/mom/bro/sis/own statement only. Even without it, your case is airtight coz u have got funding-That means something as mark of distinction. Chill out. On another note, i am seeing a trend emerging, u r third guy, besides me and the bengali fellow that i mentioned earlier, who got funding but never got the visa, or got it too late for it to be any use. I dont know whats going on, But i guess its worth it, to start a thread to see how many people from pakistan/Bengladesh/India/Sri Lanka who got it into funded programs were barred at the point of entry at visa. See you on that thread bud. Lets share our experiences and learn from eachother.