Yes. You can use more than one elastic - depending on how big it is you can place 2-3 horizontally and 1-2 vertically so that they can pull it all out at once. The idea is that they can then process the papers without needing to take up time to remove the paperclips and binder clips.sassylassie said:Thanks for the suggestion! I will take everything out of the protectors then. Its not that it looks pretty it is -in my mind easier to see each form with its attached evidence faster. So you suggest that it is better to have all the forms stacked unpaperclipped together. Using as little binderclips as possible? Then just put one big elastic around the whole package? Then I will put in a box and send off with tracking # and signature required? ( I planned on doing this anyways so I know when it arrived )
Sorry can you clarify. this how yours went too?
Thanks again to both of you for chiming in i really appreciate it!
And, yes - do send it off with signature required as it will be the only proof you'll have for a while that you sent it off.
Good luck. It's so exciting when you mail it off!