Canadian citizens living in Canada for decades and paying taxes should be entitled to have their immediate family members (parents) next to them. If our tax money is supporting refugees, their parents, grandparents, children, spouses, siblings, and half siblings (if we include all relatives' numbers could triple), then we should have right to parents too, no?
Super visa is one option but if they already used 10 year super visa they should not be going for second decade of super visa at that point they should have chance to apply for PR. Thats all. Nothing here to argue about. Every citizen should be treated equally and certainly not deprive right to parents. You cannot have one group of citizens enjoying company of their parents and have ability to care for them when they are elderly and have other group of citizens play lottery which is not even available. This is very wrong. It should be everyone or no one. Or you have to guarantee that my tax money will not go to any govt services that would support other elderly in Canada if you dont want my parents here

and again Im not saying they should not use super visa, they absolutely should use that... however, once they used 10 year visa next step should be sponsorship if sponsor is eligible of course! Canada is one of the largest countries in the world, so we have enough land space here to accommodate parents + taxes are super high so we pay enough to support each others parents and not only parents of privileged Canadians.