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H&C Humanitarian Ground with/or Without Failed refugee claim


Champion Member
Nov 19, 2011
Job Offer........
@Katayoon there is a question on Imm5669 I would like to ask if I put yes to it. So I know for c I put yea but D am not sure. Question 6 D
I put "yes" because of previous HC refusals. And also "yes" in E (deportation order). Don't forget to explain in comment box reasons why your put yes.


May 11, 2022
Hello everyone! Hope this new week brings good news for everybody.
I was checking the posts lately and I found some new info I didn't know, it is regarding of if you have a previous application. In my case is PRRA.

When we arrived couldn't apply for refugee instead the official gave us PRRA. Our country is on a list, we got exclusion order and departure order. Also, we have been informed that the departure order will be on hold because of the list. All well until here.

So, we are a family of 4, and the agent decided to allow our children go for the refugee path, and the parents PRRA path. (Don't ask me why, even my lawyer never saw this.). So, we went trough the process, and our daughter got the protected person status.

Here is my question: We applied H&C best interest of the child (as per lawyer recommendation). Do we must wait until PRRA get resolved? Or will H&C move forward in parallel?

Thanks for all the help.

In my case, we had a failed refugee claim- CBSA came after us in June 2021 that we must leave Canada.
In the same June of 2021, we applied for H&C, Best interest of child.
In October 2021, we applied for PRRA.
Come April 2022, we got our AIP and in the same email a letter stating that our PRRA case was CLOSED!! Since we were given AIP.
Basically, our PRRA and H&C were assessed concurrently and we were favored with AIP through H&C while PRRA was closed!!

To answer your question and based on our experience, your H&C should move parallel to your PRRA.
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R Brar

Star Member
May 28, 2015
Usually up to 10 days. Since you have fresh medical, they may not send new forms. It is valid for 12 months. If you don't hear anything within 2 weeks, send email to Niagara just to be sure.
@Katayoon ; please;10 days from the date of AIP or submission of documents ? My AIP was June14 but did not receive forms