It helps because the lady there was confused if they can issue ohip on that letter. She said she will show that letter to manager and after reading that word by word they will let me know if ohip can be issued. They said they might have to get an approval from ohip review committee. It might take several weeks to months to get their approval at that time. If I show them what kind of letter would that be then at least they can confirm ahead of the time that they can accept that.
they are going out of way to help me because they know my situation. I already told them that I will be showing an example of letter (not of my case). They said okay to that.
i would appreciate of you/someone can help. Thanks in advance
It appears that you fell onto an inexperienced member of staff. Perhaps if you visit the office again, you will meet someone more seasoned who can give you a definite response.
anyway, here is the front portion of the letter you can show:
This refers to your application for permanent residence from within Canada on humanitarian and
compassionate grounds.
Humanitarian and compassionate factors are assessed for the purpose of determining whether to grant an exemption from certain legislative requirements to allow your application for permanent residence to be processed from within Canada. On 18 May 2021, a representative of the Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) reviewed your request and considered all the factors that you cited in your application. We are pleased to inform you that your request for an exemption from these requirements for the purpose of processing this application has been approved.
In addition, you have been granted an exemption from the following requirement of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act:
(blacked out)
You must meet all other requirements of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act and its Regulations, such as medical, security, passport and arrangements for your care and support. As your application is processed, separate decisions will be made about whether you meet these other requirements.