KbGold said:
Please provide information about monthly payments for kids which deposits by the govt to your accoint. How much they give for 3 kids of newly immigrant family?
Is there any benefit not to take this money? Or it is for everybody?
How to apply for this benefit?
This forum isn't the best place for this advice because people just love to complicate simple procedures here! As a PR, you are immediately eligible for the canada child tax benefit. If you apply now, you'll hear back from them around June-July, around July 20, 2015 you can expect the first payment. Depending on when you landed, you'll also get paid in arrears.
Depending on your household income for the past 2 years, you could qualify $300-360 per kid maximum (if the new rules come into effect in July '15), plus $100-160 per month per child under 6 years old.
My advice would be to visit the nearest public library, and they will guide you to the nearest immigrant settlement services, or they may have settlement services to offer for themselves.
As well as the CCTB, also apply for the GST/HST Credit by filling Form RC151 http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/E/pbg/gf/rc151/rc151-fill-14e.pdf
These benefits are for everybody and there is no reason why should not claim these benefits.