So i got my visa today after 117 days shukaralhamdulilah and thanks for all the help everyone! 
I got the call yesterday even though the date on my letter is June 18th. Don't really know why it took so long.
4/23/2011 filled
6/2/2011 got med
8/18/2011 got visa
Part of my SOP: (i can't remember where i saved the complete version, and any how there was just one more small paragraph)
I got the call yesterday even though the date on my letter is June 18th. Don't really know why it took so long.
4/23/2011 filled
6/2/2011 got med
8/18/2011 got visa
- I submitted statements from multiple bank accounts(including 1 foreign). So those that were of the opinion that multiple bank accounts cause problems I don't think so.
- don't submit extra information unless you really think it is very important
- keep the sop simple, to the point and interesting. i even put a smiley face at the end of my sop
Part of my SOP: (i can't remember where i saved the complete version, and any how there was just one more small paragraph)
I wish to study at Queen's as it has an excellent and well known engineering program. It also has well equipped facilities and provides many extracurricular activities for students such as the formula SAE and Sunrayce teams which are related to my program of study. Queen's is also one of the most selective universities in Canada with a very lengthy application process. So just being accepted is a major achievement.
My overall educational goal will definitely be related to engineering. I wish to get a degree in mechanical engineering but I also don't want to end up with a degree which leads to jobs that I may not be happy doing. As the first year of my program at Queen's will be general engineering, I will have the opportunity to make a better decision regarding my choice of engineering in the second year after having a close look at all disciplines. This is the major reason why I don't wish to pursue higher education neither in the UK nor in Pakistan.
University programs in Pakistan are also not research intensive. These dull programs mostly rely on studying from books and then appearing for exams, with limited practical experience. Extracurricular activities at local universities, mostly debating and model united nations for engineering students are fun but mostly unrelated to engineering. Although studying in Pakistan will be comparatively cheaper, a foreign degree will give me an edge over applicants with Pakistani degrees when applying for a job.
I do not expect to face any problems living in Canada and getting along with people as I've already interacted with people from many different countries while living abroad as a child and having attended schools with mostly expat students. I lived in *****, where I attended ********, and ******, where I attended ******'s oldest English school *****. I'm currently a final year (A2) student at ************** where I've completed my GCE O level and GCE AS. I've also appeared for SAT, SAT Subject Tests, ACT and IELTS