there is psychological difficulties and a lot of pressure on me too in this situation. I work in a company of 2 full time employees (me and my boss). first of all, my boss doesn't like to spend money to a point where a piece of paper wasted by mistake upsets him. And here he'll have to unexpectedly spend a grand or more and what for? That wasn't the part of the original arrangement since before hiring me, the Office of Multicultural Affairs reassured him that he didn't have to get LMIA since I had an "open" work permit (!!!). I can only imagine how upset he gets after I tell him this. Secondly, he doesn't like change to a point where he never travels or renovates his house etc. and if he does, he has to ask a million questions and plan everything 18 months ahead. I can only imagine the stress he gets into when I tell him this. Thirdly, his family helped me a lot when I had to move from another province, I stayed in their house for free for a month, for example. And he said to someone that he is sponsoring me to Canada, making me feel like I owe him. Now imagine if I ask for this stupid LMIA, oh, that would be such pain in the a///

and to crown it all, we are going to be just super busy in feb.

like that LMIA is no way possible in feb.