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Getting married in Damascus


Jan 25, 2009
Hello all

Not sure where else to turn to, I am heading to Syria in a month to marry a man from middle east, we are planing to get married there as that is where he has to send his application for visa.I am a Canadian.

I have contacted the Canadian Embassy and the Embassy for Syria, but have been given little information...

We are completely lost as to what we must do...

What should we ask for from the Canadian Embassy in Syria? for him to come home with me after we marry? What paper works is required? to get married there and after we marry?

Will he be able to come home to Canada with me after we marry? will he be allowed?....

He doesn't have any criminal record, or any reasons why he would be denied entry to Canada.

We are just not sure what to do with Embassy in Syria for him to come to Canada with me...

I would appreciate it so much if someone can please help me... I have search for the past month on answers to my questions but not having any luck... I am planing to be in Damascus for a month after I arrive there... Will that be enough time etc ?




VIP Member
Jun 30, 2005

0503 said:
Hello all

Not sure where else to turn to, I am heading to Syria in a month to marry a man from middle east, we are planing to get married there as that is where he has to send his application for visa.I am a Canadian.

I have contacted the Canadian Embassy and the Embassy for Syria, but have been given little information...

We are completely lost as to what we must do...

What should we ask for from the Canadian Embassy in Syria? for him to come home with me after we marry? What paper works is required? to get married there and after we marry?

Will he be able to come home to Canada with me after we marry? will he be allowed?....

He doesn't have any criminal record, or any reasons why he would be denied entry to Canada.

We are just not sure what to do with Embassy in Syria for him to come to Canada with me...

I would appreciate it so much if someone can please help me... I have search for the past month on answers to my questions but not having any luck... I am planing to be in Damascus for a month after I arrive there... Will that be enough time etc ?


1. Once you are married, you will have to sponsor him for permanent residence. All the forms and information are here: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/fc.asp
2. The processing times http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/times/international/05-fc-spouses.asp#africa



Hero Member
Nov 12, 2008
hey, is ur husband syrian? or a resident of syria? it is very different
answer my question and ill tell u exactly what to do.

p.s: iam a syrian citizen but i live in lebanon.


yes right Aboujassem will know more about the paperwork u need to do to get married to a guy in syria , the lasw sometimes differ so its better u get an advise from syria or someone who has been through the same experience , goodluck


Hero Member
Jan 25, 2009
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Doc's Request.
AOR Received.
File Transfer...
Med's Request
Med's Done....
Passport Req..
no he will not be able to come home with you you will have to sponsor him get the paackage from citizenship and immigration call them they are in blue pages ask them to send you the package tell them where he is from ect they ll send appropriate package nexy have tht package when you go there to marry have your husband fill it out his section tht is while your up there have him complete a medical and police check in the package it give you details of who is authorized in his country to examine him read thrououghly next police check it also gives you intructions where to go for his poice check i would advise while you are there to take care of all these things because mail is a horrible thing to deal with when it come to all of tht so at least you can take the medical and police cehck home with you for subbmission a next thing if he has kids they MUST be medicaled to you need photcopy of his passport birth certificate of his same for children if he has any immigration photos need to be done as well dunnno how much hell need each country different i would advise getting them done as well Hey the thing is dont make the mistake i did get everything you need b4 you leave you have a month make sure he signs everywhere that is needed go through it thrououghly anyways girl hope it works out for you i am a wiz at this paper work been through it for a year more pictures of you 2 the better in different places just be really pathtic when it come to it overboard is the way i went my usband is everything to me we have been separated for 2 years and outta tht 2 years we have been married 1 just put paper in Dec so good luck and it is tru what i say make sure you pay all fees at once everything ok i have said enough take care hope it works out for you


Hero Member
Jan 25, 2009
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Doc's Request.
AOR Received.
File Transfer...
Med's Request
Med's Done....
Passport Req..
and one more thing the papers you fill out and complete with all the documentation have to be submitted to immigration here in canada first because ultimatley they are going to determine wether you are eligable to sponsor him once they do they will forward it to his country to canadian embassy there to finish it up lol good luckk


Jan 25, 2009
Thanks everyone for your reply on this...

Actually he is not a residence of Syria, just that the city he is from requires him to send his application to Syria for visa, that is why we were told that it was best if we get married there and plus it is to dangerous for me to visit him where he actually is from. He doesn't have any children, nor ex-wife....

I read on other websites that it will take a day to get papers signed and stamp after marriage, plus some test will need to be done also before marriage?

I am aware that marriage is completely different in Middle East then it is in Canada.

I went into Immigration website and it doesn't stated what they expect from a couple that just got married in order to submit a application for visa.

He was told by his friend that it would take at least 15-30 days for him to get his visa from Canadian Embassy in Syria after we marry, but he didn't tell him the steps we would need to follow

I hope this helps more on my questions.




Hero Member
Nov 12, 2008
1st of all, he doesnt have to apply directly thru damascus, he should fill he immigration forms and send them to u,then u forwrd the papers along with the sponsorship forms to CPC-M and then after they approve you for sponsorship they will forward the file to damascus.

2nd i dont understand why you want to marry in damascus? u can marry wherever you want aslong as you have a legal marriage certificate it doesnt matter where you got married, also in the middle east you should do medical tests for hiv,ur blood type and So.
beside that you need a visa to enter syria and i dont know whats his nationality but if he is from iraq he needs a visa to enter too and now its impossible for iraqis to obtain a visa to enter syria,another thing in syria there is no civil marriage, if he is muslim and your christian, you might have to convert into islam and obtain a certificate for that, it depends on which islamic court ur getting married in and the mood of the religious clerk.

3rd, it takes an avarge of 1 month to get the approval from CPC-M and between 3 to 6 months for a decision to be made on your husbands application.


Star Member
Aug 30, 2008
We got married in Jordan and had to send our paperwork thru Damascus. It is not an easy embassy to get a visa from. Ours was a quick marriage ( we did not know each other very long) and that threw a big wrench into everything. My husband was refused a PR and we are now going thru an appeal. We got married in May 2008.

In regards to actually getting married, I am not sure about Syria, but I can tell you what we needed to do in Jordan.
(1) we both needed a letter stating that you are in fact single. I was divorced, so a copy of my divorce decree was all I needed.
(2) We needed to get blood tests
(3) We had to go to court and run all over the city getting papers signed. Marriage there is a contract and like any contract must go thru the courts.
(4) once everything was signed, we said our vows (basically that we agreed to married each other) infront of a court offical and it was done.

No Wedding in a mosque, no religious service. nothing like that at all. We had a wedding party where we performed traditional ruites such as the giving of rings and the presenting of gold to the bride, but that is all cutural.

Oh yeah - it made no difference in Jordan that I am Christian and he is Muslim. Accourding to the Quran a man can married any woman as long as she is a person of the book ( christian or jewish). This maybe viewed differently in other Muslim countries however.


Hero Member
Nov 12, 2008
many islamic courts do not acept marrying a christian women to a muslim man unless she converts into islam, not all muslims follow the quran entirly.

mingus u mind telling me how long u knew ur husband b4 u got married? and did u meet online or what?


Star Member
Aug 30, 2008
We did met online and it was a whirlwind romance. We knew each other for 5 months before we got married. I know all of this plays into the fact that my husband was refused his PR, we knew it would be a battle from the start. We just didn't realize how much of a battle it would be. The hardest part ( not including the actual being apart) is the fact they he can't even get a TRV. We tried to get him one before we got married and he was denied because he "didn't have enough of a reason to return to his country after his trip" . His Job, family, investment were not enough to "prove" he would go back to Jordan. I think that is just a insane reason, and the chances now are nil.

Oh Well, we will wait it out and if it gets too hard or too long, I will just pack up my stuff and move over there. Niether of us really cares where we live, as long as we are together. It was my decision that we live in Canada, a decision I regreat more and more each passing day...


Jan 25, 2009
I thank you for all your replies and the information you have given me, I have one more question if anyone don't mind answering... To get the documents signed and stamped, should a lawyer be hired in Damascus?


Hero Member
Nov 12, 2008
nope.its very very easy and cheap, the whole process wouldnt coast you more than 10$(beside the fees of the islamic court.some courts do not charge)
look all you have to do is after getting married in the islamic court(assuming your husband-to be is muslim) you have to pay the fees and the stamps, make sure its fully signed and stamped. then you go to the ministry of internal affairs and get it stamped, after that you go to the ministry of forigen affairs and again get it stamped and your done.

make sure you tell the people at the islamic court and internal affairs that you want it for outisde syria, for your husband to be able to register it in his country.


Jan 25, 2009
Thanks boujasim

For your quick reply, you are very informative, You all have been great,

This site is very helpful and I am thankful for it.

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend,

Very likely I will be back to wanting help;)

Take care and ttyl