Good evening, silly question but I would like to clarify with you guys,
1) My first name is Kévin , written with the accent in my passeport. For some reason, every time I enter that "é" in a CIC doc (pdf format), and leave the document, the "é" reacts strangely, like if the accent was not recognized or it put that single letter in capitol. I might be overthinking but should I put with the accent or without? (Probably silliest question in the forum haha
2) On the forms where they are asking about your background for the last 10 years for example, since the document is pre-formated, sometimes name of the company or activity is longer that the space allowed. When you fill out the application through Acrobat, a part is not showing since it is too long. Any best practice in that case? Do you guys put it on a proper annex page ? (Maybe that question was even sillier than the 1st one
Thanks in advance, Kev

1) My first name is Kévin , written with the accent in my passeport. For some reason, every time I enter that "é" in a CIC doc (pdf format), and leave the document, the "é" reacts strangely, like if the accent was not recognized or it put that single letter in capitol. I might be overthinking but should I put with the accent or without? (Probably silliest question in the forum haha
2) On the forms where they are asking about your background for the last 10 years for example, since the document is pre-formated, sometimes name of the company or activity is longer that the space allowed. When you fill out the application through Acrobat, a part is not showing since it is too long. Any best practice in that case? Do you guys put it on a proper annex page ? (Maybe that question was even sillier than the 1st one
Thanks in advance, Kev