2 MONTHS SINCE THE MEDIC ?!!!! IT'S JUST WEIRDprvc said:You can, if you really want to. But I think you don't have to worry about your medical as of the moment since it says Review in Progress. Soon enough it will change to "Passed."
Patience is a virtue..![]()
There will be a date I believe at the top of the page when they captured your notes. Usually quite soon after your request. In your case most likely around Nov 15-20djein said:Received GCMS notes and we seem to have some problems. We did a name change and it doesn't reflect that anywhere in GCMS notes. My wife changed from her maiden name to our married name and updated her passport to reflect the name change. We sent correspondence to CiC to prove the update. We even had our Member of Parliament contact CiC and the reply they received was " name change has been updated" but in the GCMS files it states name still her original name and oddly minus her middle name now.
Everything is passed but medicals. Medicals were finalized December 2 and supposedly digitally updated with CiC through the clinic but there is no reflection of this in GCMS notes. Medicals passing is the only thing they are waiting on to issue PPR.
When GCMS notes are released are they current to the date they are released...or current to the date they are requested? For example we just requested GCMS on Nov 11 and have received them Dec 12 will the Nov to December gap be included in the notes? If so...the name change should be shown as well as the updated medicals.
ah yes i see date generated 2016-11-22Sous02 said:There will be a date I believe at the top of the page when they captured your notes. Usually quite soon after your request. In your case most likely around Nov 15-20
My wife did her medical in February and we submitted application in March. It stills say medical review in progress. We've ordered 2 GCMS notes and it doesn't say why or maybe I'm not interpreting the medical section properly.English-zid-lgoudam said:HI AND THANKS TO ALL PEOPLE WHO ARE WORKING HARD TO LIGHTENEN THE PATH FOR US;
I HAVE A QUESTION: i am a little bit worried about the medical which its status does not want to change from " Review in Progress" since the beggining !!!
i have done it on 11 october 2016 and still the status on " Review in Progress "
may ask for those GCM especialy for the medical ? is it worth it?
They have already passed 30 days.. I think i need to get used to wait and wait and wait. The only think i do is waiting from 25/8/2016 and then. I feel so unlucky. It is not fair that some Visa offices are extremly fast proccesing the applications and others (Rome ) are not.. Aunesty i feel like be treated unfairlyprvc said:Normally, one receives the notes after 30 days.![]()
i 've ordered them at 14/11/2016 and i should have them already.. Im Vo is Rome and look what is going on .. Got sposor approval at 23/8/2016 and that time the TOTAL procceding time was 10 months. One day after the American Elections the proccesing time increased by 5 months (form 10 to 15) and i dont know if thsi chance effect mine appication toprvc said:But you just said you ordered them on December 14, 2016? Is that correct?If not, when did you order them?
Unfortunately, yes, there are VOs that work faster than others. All we can do is wait for now and pray that our app won't take too much time.. What is the normal processing time in your VO?