Mine are 31 pages long, adobe file. Basically what I got from it is that My husband's medical is in progress which I had no idea, because in Ecas, it just shows, "we received your application for permanent residence on Nov 2011" and no other updates since then :S I was starting to think my file was just sitting idle collecting dust, but lo and behold...the medical is in process, so file in process...my Ecas just has not been updated.
the values that some fields contain (as in 1 or 0) I'm not sure what it stands for, but I think there is a thread on this forum that deals with readings of the GCMS notes and what some fields like this mean. You should check that out for more understanding when you get your notes. Some fields are easy to spot and say "passed" or "continue"...in my application, I also found that they have 0 grounds of refusal...so that's a good sign I think...still looking it over, it's a pretty long file.