singh_harman94 said:
I want to persue Meng in civil engineering but now facing problem because my ielts test is on 25th of july and most of universities have August 1 as their application deadline date. But i will aplly for conditional offer letter and lets see what will happen.
Now, coming to main point.. Suppose if I'm not able to get into the course in winter session of 2016 then i will again apply for may 2016 session. But will the gap in between this period cause any problem in visa process or is it normal to have a gap of approx 9-10 months ???
Make sure your applications are done with their scheduled last dates...sometimes its not possible to complete their online admission forms without english test that case ask the department what you can do..most of the universities are quite good with answering emails(in my experience).....
next before you go for your test decide beforehand where you want to send your official test score..will take around 21-30 days after your test date.....make sure you provide ielts council with the proper university and department codes...and do it before your test...(that is what i did for my toefl test..guess same rules apply for ielts)..they provide 3-4 free official test score delivery...but remember the institutions for which you make orders..all of them will be shown on your common official test scores report...what i mean is suppose you order for univ X and univ Y...they will write this on your test report..univ X will know you have also applied to univ Y and vice-versa.. lol..

...i found that a little odd not know what the univs would think though...
My toefl results were received by the department after their end submission date...but my application was done within the scheduled dates...had no problems as such...
I did my bachelors in civil eng and going for MEng to Queen's..with a study gap of one year..though i was studying but I was studying at Made easy, new delhi) must be knowing what made easy a gap of one year officially...and i had no problems a got processed in 4 stop worrying about gap..concentrate on your sop/ielts/other stuff... my case is almost similar to your you can trust me..
best of luck and hope i could help...