They will provide it by first week of August (surprisingly very late due to heavy volume nowadays on WES) .. They accepted my docs relating to CA one month ago, but then asked for SSC and HSC certificate which they have now received as well ..
One of my friend who is also a Chartered Acountant is already working in Canada told me that he got it on the basis of CA and Masters (which CA members can get from HEC Pakistan) ..
Just click on this link
then opt for Pakistan as country and there you will find in the third box the following:
NON-UNIVERSITY HIGHER EDUCATION: Institute of Chartered Accountant of Pakistan, Pakistan Institute of Public Finance Accountants, Pakistan Institute of Management
What to Submit How to Submit
1. Individual Mark Sheet/Result Card issued by the awarding authority
Please note that college-issued Mark Sheet/Result Card will not be accepted.
If elective courses are not listed on the Mark Sheet, please provide official documentation of the elective courses such as a syllabus for the course.
To be sent directly to WES by the awarding authority. All documents must be stamped and verified by the Controller of Examination.
Attestations from persons outside the Controller of Examination and Registrar's Offices, such as individual professors or external notary publics, will not be accepted.
Therefore WES recognizes Pakistan's CA ... Hope this clarifies ... In case you need any further clarfication I will happy to share

Stay Blessed !!!