Similar question was asked not too long ago.
here's the answer I gave:;msg130095#msg130095
1. Do I have to bring a bank draft to show the amount I am bringing to Canada or is the bank statement from a US bank enough?
No, you do not need to bring a bank draft if you don't want to. You just have to have a bank statement showing the total funds that they require you to have. So, if you want, you can carry some cash and have the balance on a bank statement. Just make sure the total is what is required. As for the cash, they just ask you how much cash; they do not count it nor do they even see it!
2. Also, you mentioned they asked for Bank statement / proof of funds. Did you get the statement in some specific format from your bank or did you print them out from the online account?
Both. We had the one bank statement which the bank sends normally. We were lucky it came a few days or so before we landed. Also, we had a printout from the internet for another bank account.
3. How many months of bank statements did you carry?
It's not the number of bank statements that matters. It's the total funds and cash that is important. We had cash in X amount and then 2 bank statements all totaling over the required $12K. Also, it was the current month's statement. We landed May 31, so the statements were from May.
The bottom line is that you can carry a mixture of cash and bank statements as long as the total amount is what you are required to have, whether it is $20K or $12K.
At the border crossing / airport, you will be asked how much cash u are carrying and also for bank statement or draft totaling the amount you are required to have.
If you carry more that $10K in cash, you will have to fill another form and declare it. Now, why would anyone want to carry that much cash at one time!