the money should not be borrowed. the money should be yours.
you could show that as a saving attributing to a good pay ( hence the bank statements to show salary credit , inflow of funds etc)
or proceeds from a sale of property which was yours.
these are a few examples.
now, you need above supporting documents to prove that the funds are yours and not borrowed
sunny, loud noise doesnt help. IF you do a search on this forum,there are applicants who have received documents update request, along with POF and bank statement, clearly mentioned.
ultimately, it rests with one to prove his case. the VO will not think like you/us. its impossible to reverse a rejection, so is it worth taking a risk?
If you look at some old CAIPS notes( again, pls to some HW and search on this forum ) , the VO makes a note, on the quality of application, if the documents/evidence look genuine or not. Unnecessary delay, investigation can be avoided by providing, quality application and evidence of all your points.
WHen they say non-encumbered funds, its the applicants responsibility to prove so...with the backlogs, and lack of time, the VO dnt waste time by putting a file on hold and asking for more clarification. If you look at E37029, the checklist applicable to us, it clearly says, provide proof of unencumbered we have to prove that funds are ours and unencumbered!![/b]