Kam123 said:
hello friend
I too got pcc request from USA and medical on July 7,2015. Can u please share ur experience with me that when u sent the fbi the pcc request n how much time they took yo send u back the pcc and can v open the pcc ????
Hello Friends,
Regarding US PCC from FBI, I have a suggestion for all who are anticipating their medical request. At this time, I would request you to start with the US PCC procedure if you have stayed in US for more than 6 months. Few important points:
One has to request for Identity History Summary Report. Before requesting one has to arrange for finger prints from a local police station and send it along with the application form(download it from FBI site). I did finger print procedure from a local police station in US.
FBI will pick your file only after around 9 weeks of receipt of one's request for PCC. They are working on their backlogs. As of monday, 6th July 2015 they were working on requests received on 22nd April.
Their customer contact number is: +1-(304)-625-5590. Once your request has reached FBI office you can all them and ask for status quoting your request receipt date. But do check with them on what date are they currently working. This helps!
I received my medical request on 09 May and I send the request to FBI on 12th May. As mentioned, few days back they we were working on 22nd April file.
Hope this helps.
Thanks and Regards,