Hi jmfe!
First of all Congrats!

Post ko na lang dito regarding dun sa tanong mo.
Visa Section
Level 6, Tower 2, RCBC Plaza
6819 Ayala Avenue
Makati City 1200
manil.immigration @ international.gc.ca
Application: XXXXXXXXXX
This refers to your application for permanent residence in Canada. Your application is being processed in Manila. You should contact our office in Manila should you need to provide updates for any of your information.
Your visa(s) for permanent residence to Canada is/are ready to be issued,
conditional to a final admissibility review by an immigration officer.
Your visa(s) will be valid for your initial entry to Canada until XX/XX/XXXX (mm/dd/yy). In order to complete the process, you must submit the following:
1. The
original passports for yourself and every family member who will accompany you to Canada. Passports must be in good condition. Do not include old/expired passports and passport jackets/covers. The validity of your passport(s) must be at least six (6) months beyond the visa validity date (note that any passport received with a shorter validity than the date shown above will result in a reduced validity for entry to Canada for all members of your family, if any).
2. Completed
Appendix A (attached). Please ensure that you have clearly indicated your file number (XXXXXXXXXX), your return address and all contact numbers for delivery
Change in Family Composition
If any of the following conditions apply to you, your spouse/common-law partner or
your sponsor,
you must immediately inform our office in Manila, IN WRITING:
Have you married, separated or divorced after you submitted your application?
Have you adopted a child after you submitted your application?
Do you intend to get married, separate or divorce prior to you becoming a permanent resident?
Do you intend to adopt a child prior to you becoming a permanent resident?
Has there been a death in the family?
Has there been a change in health?
Has there been any criminal charges or conviction for a criminal offence?
Have you changed your contact information: e-mail address/mailing address/telephone number?
Failure to declare any changes of the above to the CIC could result in the cancellation of your immigrant visas and may render you and your spouse/common-law partner (if applicable) inadmissible to Canada. Failure to declare dependent family members during your application processing will permanently exclude them from later
sponsorship in the Family Class, according to paragraph 117(9)(d) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations 2002. You cannot declare new or previously undeclared dependants when you arrive in Canada and at the time you become a permanent resident; if you do, you and your family members will all be denied entry
into Canada.
If none of the above conditions apply to you, your spouse/common-law partner or your sponsor, you may proceed with the instructions below.
3. Two (2) recent photographs each of yourself and every family member who will accompany you to Canada. Detailed instructions for the photographer are enclosed (Appendix B). Take these instructions to the photographer in order to obtain photographs with the required specifications. The required documents (Appendix A, passports and photos) must be submitted together thru either of the following options:
Visa Application Centres (VACs)
For more information, visit http://www.vfsglobal.ca/canada/Philippines/index.html
To: Embassy of Canada, Visa Section / Unit B
Level 6, Tower 2, RCBC Plaza
6819 Ayala Avenue
Makati City 1226
Your passport(s) with immigrant visa(s), Confirmation of Permanent Residence Form(s), and your original documents will be returned to you by VAC or courier (based on the way it was received).
3. Submitting your passport(s) in Canada (CPC-O) – if applicable
If you and all the accompanying dependents on your application are currently in Canada and plan to be in Canada for at least three months, you may submit your passport(s) to the Case Processing Centre – Ottawa (“CPC-O”). You are required to send your passport(s) together
along with a copy of this letter by mail or courier to the following address
If sent by regular mail or Canada Post Xpresspost (recommended option)
CPC – Ottawa
PO Box 9780
Ottawa, ON, K1G 4B9
Purchase two prepaid letter-sized (32 x 24
cm) Canada Post Xpresspost envelopes
(Regional if you live in Ontario or Quebec;
National for other provinces and territories), at
any Canada Post retail outlet.
Complete the mailing label showing your full
mailing address in the “Deliver To” field.
Make a note of tracking numbers for each
Enclose both envelopes along with your
passport and a copy of this letter.
You can purchase a Canada Post shipping
label on line:
If sent by private courier (only)
CPC – Ottawa
365 Laurier Avenue West
Ottawa, ON, K1A 1L1
If you choose to not provide us
with a return Xpresspost
envelope, we will return your
passport(s) via regular mail
(Canada Post Lettermail).
Passport(s) will not be returned
by private courier. Do not
provide any pre-paid courier
envelopes: These
The validity of a visa may not be extended and cannot be replaced with a new validity date. If you do not arrive in Canada before the date of expiry of your visa, it will be forfeited. If you still wish to go to Canada, you will be required to make a new application for a permanent residence visa (including paying a new application processing fee and meeting all selection and statutory requirements, with the appropriate processing times and delays). We will make our best efforts to have your passport(s) returned to you with your visa(s) within 90 working days from their receipt. You should not make any plans to travel to Canada until you are in possession of your passports and their required visas.
Please respond within fifteen (15) days of this letter or risk refusal of your application.
Immigration Section
Appendix B - Photograph Specifications
Please read carefully and ensure that the photographer follows the instructions below:
The photographs must:
Show a full front view of the person's head and shoulders showing full face centred in the middle of the photograph;
Have a plain white background;
Be identical (black and white or colour) produced from the same untouched negative, or, exposed simultaneously by a split-image or multi-lens camera;
Be produced on single weight matte paper. The photographs must measure:
Between 25 mm and 30 mm (1” and 1 3/8”) from chin to crown.
Have a 35 mm x 45 mm (1 3/8” x 1 3/4") finished size.
<sample dimension here>
Failure to submit the correct photographs will result in a considerable delay in the finalization of your application.
Immigration photographs are NOT the same as passport photographs.
Do not staple the photographs together.
Ensure that the photographs are free of pen marks, stains, ink blots and creases.
Do not write anything at the back of the photographs. To avoid confusion, label the photographs accordingly on a piece of paper or envelope.
Only clear photographs will be accepted. The photographs must not be blurred and must be free from glares and rear shadows.
You must take new photos. Old photographs will not be accepted.
Application Number: XXXXXXXXXX
Please complete this form for yourself, your spouse/common-law partner, and your dependent children,
whether or not they are accompanying you to Canada. Send the completed form with your passports.
DO NOT send passports for non-accompanying family members.
Applicant Spouse/Partner Child 1 Child 2 Child 3 Child 4 Child 5
Family Name
Given Name(s)
Date of Birth
Place of Birth
Marital Status
Passport #
Date of Expiry
Eye Colour
Contact Telephone number(s):
IMPORTANT: Your contact telephone number must be from the country stated in the address you provide below.
Email address:
Address where your passport(s) can be returned by courier collect:
<This can be your home address/office address>
I certify that this information is true and correct.
__________________________ ____________
Signature of Principal Applicant Date