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Deleted member 1050918

All the folks getting PPR, remember the pain. Remember what the liberal government and its lies put you through. REMEMBER THE MUFFINS!
Feb 2021 = megadraw, July 2021 = POF update, getting our hopes up, only to be crushed by "Canada owes you nothing" after. I'll never forget.


Hero Member
Feb 22, 2019
All the folks getting PPR, remember the pain. Remember what the liberal government and its lies put you through. REMEMBER THE MUFFINS!
I believe whoever gets PPR after waiting 2+ years in limbo, will remember all the pain and suffering including the irreversable trauma they've experienced due to IRCC and Liberal government forever. Including the lies like "we've landed 400k immigrants in 2021!" you landed bollocks..! just changed the TR status of low-skill, old-age people who've already been in Canada to PR status and called it immigration on media, that's what you did. A fine addition to unemployment system.

FSWs have all been unable to sign another yearly rental contract for 2+ years in their countries due to possibility of a PPR. Same thing for internet, phone and any sort of contract longer than 3 months. People were unable to look for another job, or continue further education. How can you do these things while you have no idea when or if you will immigrate to Canada and have been living in a limbo like this for 2+ years?

This is literally mental torture, and all we can do is continue suffering for an unknown amount of time.



Hero Member
Apr 26, 2021
Tirana, AL
NOC Code......
I was going over some CEC threads today and boy, they have enjoyed an immense attention to them for the past year.

Look at this timeline and comment below :

AOR - June 2021
eCOPR - Jan 2022
PR card - Feb 2022

Just remember irrespective how long you wait , you will get through , just be patient and have positive thoughts , it's easier said than done I know. Best of luck.

I don't think they know the real meaning of patience.


Star Member
Jul 8, 2020
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
Hi Folks,
I received RFV email today, details and timeline are in my signature. I need more information on how to proceed next.
In the RFV email, I have been asked to submit the following documents/information in a single package to the nearest Visa Application Centre. My nearest VAC would be VFS Mumbai.

1. Original passports of primary and dependent applicants
2. The height and eye colour
3. Photographs

Question is, should I submit these documents by booking the Passport submission webform on the VFS (India) website, is there any other step or process I am missing and need to follow?
Lastly, for the height and eye color that is requested, I will be adding this information on a plain word document and submitting in the package. Is there any other form required to be filled for this process or a plain word document is sufficient?

If anyone has completed this process recently, please confirm on the above queries.

Thanks in advance!


Star Member
Dec 17, 2021
I was going over some CEC threads today and boy, they have enjoyed an immense attention to them for the past year.

Look at this timeline and comment below :

AOR - June 2021
eCOPR - Jan 2022
PR card - Feb 2022

Just remember irrespective how long you wait , you will get through , just be patient and have positive thoughts , it's easier said than done I know. Best of luck.

I don't think they know the real meaning of patience.
What did you expect? Those dudes expect their PR cards to be handed to them in yoctoseconds after taxes are deducted from their salaries. So judging by their standards, he has indeed waited a hell of a lot of time.


Champion Member
Apr 12, 2021
Hi Folks,
I received RFV email today, details and timeline are in my signature. I need more information on how to proceed next.
In the RFV email, I have been asked to submit the following documents/information in a single package to the nearest Visa Application Centre. My nearest VAC would be VFS Mumbai.

1. Original passports of primary and dependent applicants
2. The height and eye colour
3. Photographs

Question is, should I submit these documents by booking the Passport submission webform on the VFS (India) website, is there any other step or process I am missing and need to follow?
Lastly, for the height and eye color that is requested, I will be adding this information on a plain word document and submitting in the package. Is there any other form required to be filled for this process or a plain word document is sufficient?

If anyone has completed this process recently, please confirm on the above queries.

Thanks in advance!
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Hero Member
Nov 18, 2020
Hi Folks,
I received RFV email today, details and timeline are in my signature. I need more information on how to proceed next.
In the RFV email, I have been asked to submit the following documents/information in a single package to the nearest Visa Application Centre. My nearest VAC would be VFS Mumbai.

1. Original passports of primary and dependent applicants
2. The height and eye colour
3. Photographs

Question is, should I submit these documents by booking the Passport submission webform on the VFS (India) website, is there any other step or process I am missing and need to follow?
Lastly, for the height and eye color that is requested, I will be adding this information on a plain word document and submitting in the package. Is there any other form required to be filled for this process or a plain word document is sufficient?

If anyone has completed this process recently, please confirm on the above queries.

Thanks in advance!
This is a very interesting case. Surprising that your Criminality, Security was not started until very recently, yet they asked for remeds and processed your application fast after that.


VIP Member
Apr 19, 2021
London, United Kingdom
Ontario gets road map for building 1.5 million homes in next decade
Task force urges more housing density, less time spent consulting public

Ontario should aim to build 1.5 million new homes in the next decade by increasing density in urban and suburban areas and by drastically overhauling how cities approve housing projects, says a new report commissioned by Premier Doug Ford's government.

The Housing Affordability Task Force makes 55 recommendations aimed at reining in home prices by dramatically boosting the supply of housing. The cost of buying the average home in Ontario has nearly tripled over the past 10 years.

The report is to be released publicly on Tuesday morning, less than two months after Ford and Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing Steve Clark appointed the task force. The government provided CBC News with a copy in advance.

"We are in a housing crisis and that demands immediate and sweeping reforms," says a letter in the report from task force chair Jake Lawrence, CEO of Scotiabank Global Banking and Markets.

Immediate reforms could be in place before Ontario's provincial election on June 2. Ford's Progressive Conservatives intend to bring in legislation responding to the task force report during the upcoming sitting of Queen's Park, a senior government official told CBC News.

Housing affordability is one of the top concerns of Ontario voters, according to recent polling. Ford and his ministers have frequently raised the soaring cost of housing as an issue of late and touted boosting supply as the solution.

The task force's proposed changes would lessen the power that cities have over housing developments by giving the province the authority to impose standards related to zoning, density and urban design.

"The way housing is approved and built was designed for a different era," Lawrence writes. "The balance has swung too far in favour of lengthy consultations, bureaucratic red tape and costly appeals."

Some of the report's key recommendations:
  • Increase density in neighbourhoods zoned exclusively for single-family homes.
  • Repeal municipal policies that focus on preserving a neighbourhood's character.
  • Set uniform provincial standards for urban design, including building shadows and setbacks.
  • Limit the time spent consulting the public on housing developments.
  • Legislate timelines for development approvals, and if the municipality misses the deadline, the project gets an automatic green light.
Some of the proposals from the Housing Affordability Task Force would lessen municipal powers over development approvals and increase the province's say by setting some zoning and urban design standards for all cities in Ontario. (David Donnelly/CBC)

"The province must set an ambitious and bold goal to build 1.5 million homes over the next 10 years," the report says. That would mean doubling Ontario's current pace of new construction. About 75,000 new housing units were started in 2020, more than in any year of the previous decade.

"A shortage of land isn't the cause of the problem," the report continues. "Land is available, both inside the existing built-up areas and on undeveloped land outside greenbelts. We need to make better use of land."

The task force highlights that Toronto has just one-quarter the population density of such major global cities as New York and London.

The report includes several recommendations that echo what developers have been seeking from the province.

"Cut the red tape so we can build faster and reduce costs," reads the title of a section on development approvals. "Municipalities allow far more public consultation than is required."

Municipalities that fail to meet the province's housing growth targets and approval timelines should have their provincial funding reduced, the task force says.

The report recommends significant loosening of zoning restrictions in neighbourhoods that currently allow only detached or semi-detached houses.

If put in place, the change would automatically allow secondary suites, garden suites, laneway houses and multi-tenant housing in residential neighbourhoods. The report also urges the automatic approval of up to four housing units on any residential lot.

The task force takes particular aim at "not in my backyard" opposition to development.

"NIMBYism is a large and constant obstacle to providing housing everywhere," the report says. "We cannot allow opposition and politicization of individual housing projects to prevent us from meeting the needs of all Ontarians."

Planning has become politicized "because local councillors depend on the votes of residents who want to keep the status quo," the report says. It notes that pushback from existing residents keeps new residents out of neighbourhoods, delays development approvals and increases housing costs.

The task force makes six recommendations designed to speed up the process at the Ontario Land Tribunal, the body that hears appeals on development projects, formerly known as the Ontario Municipal Board.

One proposal would "weed out or prevent appeals aimed purely at delaying projects" by giving the tribunal the power to refuse to hear cases unless the appellant proves it has merit from the outset.

The report recommends ending the right to appeal affordable housing projects at the tribunal, but it also recommends reinstating developers' right to appeal municipal official plans.

The task force wants the province to have the power to review how cities spend development cost charges to pay for facilities and infrastructure, as well as "Section 37" charges that go toward community benefits in exchange for higher-than-permitted density.

The report is silent on demand-side issues that could be driving up the price of housing in hot markets. More than one-quarter of home purchases in Ontario are currently made by people who own multiple properties, outnumbering demand from first-time homebuyers or people who are moving.

The report also fails to recommend any changes to real estate sales and marketing practices, such as blind bidding.

The task force report is just one part of the government's consultations with municipalities, the public and industry on the housing supply, said a spokesperson for Clark, the municipal affairs ahd housing minister.

"A common theme we have heard in our consultations is that it takes too long for housing to get built," Clark's director of communications, Zoe Knowles, said in an email to CBC News. "Lengthy processes and delays drive up the cost of housing, which are passed on to homebuyers and renters."

Housing affordability has been on Ford's political radar for several months, as previously reported by CBC News. The polling firm contracted to do research for Progressive Conservative MPPs was asking voters in November what the provincial government could do to make housing more affordable.

Last fall, Ford frequently complained that municipalities were too slow to approve housing developments. In January, the premier hosted a housing summit with the mayors of all Ontario cities having a population of 100,000 or more.
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Hero Member
Apr 26, 2021
Tirana, AL
NOC Code......
Yes, go on build more, that is the solution.

The laws in place before are what made the place appealing to watch and live. So, one of their recommendations is :
  • Increase density in neighbourhoods zoned exclusively for single-family homes.
What a worthless piece of recommendation. That is exactly what made every other major global city unlivable for a common citizen. You guys should watch the documentary below to better understand why there is constant demand for "homes" and why there is a "home" crisis :

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