Believe me it is difficult in every country - you have to work hardI agree with you. People can be successful in any profession. I can tell you there are plumbers / electricians in Canada making much more money than IT folks. Plus they can write off many expenses and hence save on taxes also. They are able to write off their cars as business expense as they use it to go their client's house. There is no one formula of success.
My point was that most social media "influencers" / youtubers deliberately show rosy projections / numbers and make it sound like making money in Canada is very easy. I know of people who have gone in to depression after coming here when they realized that those fancy cars they saw on IG come with hefty EMIs etc. I'm not saying everyone is that naïve but there is a sizeable number of people who just underestimate the kind of toll it takes mentally when you move to a new country. Move over to the Settlement Issues part of this forum and I saw a post from someone who was upset on the fact that bank only gave him 1K limit on credit card and how it is not enough. There are a lot of minor things that will hit someone coming over day in and day out.
While I disagree with many of the posts which paint excessively dark picture of Canada on this forum but if I have to be honest I would say it is better to know that picture before coming here rather than thinking life is going to be fairy tale. Success in life may mean different things for different people but if someone is coming with a dream of "lots of money in short amount of time" as success metric to Canada they are more likely to be disappointed.
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