Another one

you do not get what we have said it at all. The only thing you see are $ and taxes that they are paying and spending there. They have to as they are living there and working there already lol. Most of these folks will not get jobs in high skilled occupations. There is a huge market demand that cannot be filled in by just CEC people, do you understand that or not?
A lot of high skilled immigrants will bring tons of money with them. They will often buy houses within a year and spent thousands in the first year of living. So stop saying that shit that you are paying taxes and spending money over there. It does not make any f**** sense. The only reason, why IRCC focused on CEC during this year was pandemic and travel restrictions. This is ending and hopefully FSW will come back to normal soon. I am not saying that CEC should not get a chance, you should, maybe government will make some changes to allow people to get higher scores. It is not my fault that most FSW candidates are highly educated and they are getting high scores in FSW? Whose fault is it? CEC candidates can also go to college etc. Do you think that most of us got a free education? Do you think that we are not working off our asses to be skilled? I love what I am doing but I ahve to spend crazy amount of time to be on top of my job. So stop crying that CEC should get priority because they are paying taxes - it is just a stupid argument
First of, I'm an FSW Outland applicant much like everyone else in this particular thread. I'm no CEC, and apart from the AOR application fee, I have not paid a single cent in Canadian taxes or anything in Canada. Second, what I'm pointing out in particular is that CECs don't contribute just $160 a year, that just downplaying what they contribute to Canada overall. Thirdly, CECs already gets bonus points, which from my understanding is already the "preferential" treatment they get from the Canadian government. It's the CEC's fault the government prefers them, if you have something against direct it towards IRCC, and not the CEC folks.
Finally the statement "a lot of high skilled immigrants will bring tons of money" with them is just plain relative, a CEC candidate already working in Canada can have an average salary of CAD 45,000. Now, I have a master's degree, I'm designing microelectronic circuits used in very specialized applications, for an S&P400 company, and while my salary is far above the average than most people in my country, it's still less than half the of what the average CEC makes. So unless you're immigrating from a first-world country, don't assume that all high skilled immigrants have tons of money. You might have "lost" of money in the country your in, but when you go to Canada, it's probably just a few months allowance if your thrifty. But tons? If you have tons of money, why not just do a investor immigration to some other developed nation like Austria where they sell you citizenship (yes citizenship, not residency) for one small fee of 3,000,000 EUR.