In my case, I am actually going to be offered an overseas position once I finish the degree (to handle the marketing department of our Europe based subsidary - which is not yet established, that is the plan of the employer). We are going to use our subsidary to help us deal with out potential foriegn clients So in this case, a diploma in international business or international marketing from a college might work for me?
The fact is that once you own a degree - no matter a diploma, master, etc. - from a 1st world country (and specficially English speaking countries) you will have an automatic boost in your position within the industry and in the eyes of not only your employer, but also the clients that your company are going to work with. For instance, my employer is saying that when he introduces me to our clients, he would like to mention that Mr.XYZ earned his degree from Canada, to impress the other party

This is one of the very main reasons behind him wishing to sponsor me. However I am not sure whether if I tell this truth exactly to the visa officer, does it gonna work or not! Shall I just go with the plain (and perhaps wierd) truth or put in some politics in what I am going to say?