Hey All,
It's been a while since I have messaged anything here.. DM on 13/03/2015 and Passports sent to NDVO on 17/03/2015.
You guys have been amazing and extremely helpful. We had put Vancouver as our port of landing in our application, but eventually decided to land at Edmonton Intl Airport. We have booked our tickets for May 12, 2015!
Finding a good place to stay is the next task in hand. kijiji.ca is a good place to begin with or you might want to stay at a hotel or motel till you find a good accommodation. As for jobs, I have been informed that indeed.ca, workopolis, etc are good websites. I have noticed they all require a Canadian address and phone number. So keeping that on halt as well till we make our official landing..!

God has been extremely faithful to us all thru this journey, and so we are sure He will be there with all of us moving forward..!
I gave my resignation on 16/03/2015 and here notice period is 3 months, but since I can't wait till then, will officially end work by May 8 2015.
I wish all the very best to all of yous..! May The Lord bless you all..