Hi Friends,
Not related to FSW Applications so feel free to skip this post if you want

(Apologies in advance)
I don't know how many are following the EE Forum but apparently the first draw for Express Entry 2015 was held in Jan and the minimum points to apply was 886 (886 score means that the last person having 886 score had 600 (job offer/PNP) + 286 (profile points))
Not likely that candidates without job offer got through this draw...Hopefully this trend won't continue but too many people are frustrated right now, ex. see here
We are lucky that we got to apply in the FSW program last year...or else this could be us anxiously waiting for the next draw this year...So all those of us who are waiting and the wait feels unbearable sometimes

stay calm, and stay positive abt ur app...we will get thru by God's grace....and rembr there r ppl in worse plight than us....