The current situation on charging and PER issuance
On CC:The earliest CC charging finally down to 62 days.Applicants waiting period gradually coming
down and will be down to the usual 30 days very soon.
On CC:Late charging could be up to 90 days now based on 1.Card declining.2.Failure in network.
Attempt on charging will be carried out 3 times and by the last attempt if problem persists,application
will be returned.
On DD:The encashment is subject to prompt processing among the parties involved in the transaction.
For application received on the same date with CC or DD mode of payment,payments are being effected at the same time.
For example:
Application received on the 9th July.
CC CHARGED:28 OCT with applicant getting alert via SMS/Email instantly or within 24 hrs.
DD ENCASHED:28 OCT with applicant waiting period for such encashment for 7-10 days but
now it is 10-20 days due to the current operational changes at CIC.

ER notification via email within 4-7 days as at November but the current scenario
now for PER issuance is 2-4 weeks after payment deduction.