Well that's the irony right. Word of mouth, referred her to Abhinav and by their huge rush of applicants at their swanky offices, seals that belief.. But once money is exchanged most of this swanky office employees become complacent ;D
I absolutely do not doubt her intelligence and her capability on research, but in my experience some people don't go to the lengths of double research when they have paid for consultants and that's where I come into the picture, her nagging companion who keeps checking and verifying with her. 8)
I have asked her now to bombard their office demanding to have a look at the final package sent to CIC and also for the tracking number. If they don't respond, I think I will use your influence to push the case at New Delhi...

what say?
We'll I knew this all along, didn't think of mentioning it before, but many spoke about Abhinav, I thought it's only fair, I put the facts out in the open about their Bangalore branch... But again, I agree, each person should do their own due diligence in hiring a consultant and reading their application, irrespective of a consultant hired or not.