did u submitted a updated docs...if yes den u hv to email them the same aswell usually they reply on that after 40 to 50 days goodluckvenki0604 said:hi
i have submitted my application on aug 2. when can i expect any reply or notification of missing docs or atleast an update?
cic is still working on may applicants so itll be quite a waitvenki0604 said:hi
i have submitted my application on aug 2. when can i expect any reply or notification of missing docs or atleast an update?
seniors pls help on above postLORDHELP said:Hi all
pls tell is there anyone in the forum who has send updated documents to cic by giving details like passport number etc...with no uci number(as everyone doesn't have the uci number) ...is there documents considered or updated in there file...pls reply as me worried about the same
pls let me know is there a different address to send the same,as someone told me updated documents need to send different address. ..
Can you please point me to which certified registered translator you used? I am looking to translate my PCC and cannot find anysuhits said:I did get my BC translated through a certified registered translator. As per my consultants direction.
My friend .. This is the time for you . Based on my assumptions and calculations , if you submit the forms before 20th of this month , You will be through...Jess0612 said:Dear all,
I just found this forum this weekend and I have spent a day reading all the relevant threads. However, the discussion has gone so far that I sometime missed the important note. So I'd like to ask where I can find the most updated information about applications received by CIC. I found this link but not sure because to total seems too small![]()
I intend to apply for Investment analyst 1112 (my current job). The application by July is about ~~300 and I want to know whether I still have a chance. I was an auditor in the past and am not sure whether auditor and financial analyst are in the same pool. I received WES report today. My B.A was consider as a 4-years degree in Canada. So will I have 21 points?
My points breakdown are as follows:
Ages : 12
Experience: 15
IELTS: 22 (R: 8.5 - L: 8 - S: 6.5 - W: 6.5)
Education: 21 (if I'm right about this)
Total 70 points.
Thanks for all great information on this forum.
______________________________I am about to submit my application for FSW 2014 and upon review of documents, I have noticed my WES result has an error. The Date of Birth in the WES ECA result is wrong. It is suppose to be November 02, 1986 but November 12, 1986 is written. I checked why could there be such error and I realized that the college TOR I submitted had a typographical error and November 12, 1986 is written there. I checked the photocopy of the application form for WES and I have written November 02, 1986.
*All my other documents (Birth Cert, Other TORS, etc. have November 02, 1986)
I went to my institution and had the typographical error corrected. I e-mailed my situation to WES and I'm waiting for their reply.
______________________________The document that WES has received indicates your date of birth as November 12, 1986. It is WES policy to take such information from the documents that has been received from your institution.
Best Regards,
WES Customer Service Department
Oscar7 said:Grooby is on the opposite side LOL - he thinks both NOCs will stay till August. And nshah32 thinks both will be over by 15th Jun. And my thought is neither will be over by 15th Jun but will be over well before August. 8)
I think when I countered grooby and nshah32 with data both seem offline
Which implies that my hold on the number crunching business still remains unchallenged LOL ;D![]()
Time will definitely prove this - please make a note LOL
Hi Oscar,grooby said:LOL ... you're funny .... you need to learn to analyse ..... NOC1112 & NOC2174 will go on till August easily .... I am willing to bet $1000 against your prediction of 15 june .... !! bet ?
Click [Good] on the left if my response is of any help....
My $1000 bet is against the 15th June deadline not for August. My exact stand is .... these NOCs will not get done by 15th June and will "most likely" continue into August..... I am pretty sure that all July applicants will fit in the Cap for NOC1112.
Assumption: SS is a good sample set of the Universal set of applications with the CIC...
If you notice the SS.... there are 104 applications which have been processed for NOC1112 as of now (which relate to 460 mentioned by CIC) and at the same time there are only 67 applications pending at CIO for processing till August end.
Simple Unitary method ... if 104 related to 460, 67 would relate to 296 processed PERs... makes it s atotal of 756 applications by the end of August.
Assuming that the SS is conservative and has a data entry bias towards CC Charged/PER cases, we can assume that Applications "at CIO" are only updated on the SS 2/3 as many times as the ones processed.
That would mean, if 104 relates to 460 and 100.5 (67*1.5 taking into account that only 66.66% applications updated in the SS for "at CIO" status) would relate to another 444 applications will be processed for NOC1112 till August end applications....
Adding the two: 460 + 444 = 904 apps ..
which still doesn't exceed the Cap .. ...... Simple Maths....
Rest time will decide the winner ......
Click [Good] on the left if my response is of any help....
You are absolutely right my friend.. CAD DD's validity is 6 Months..bunny88 said:Dd drawn in foreign currency is valid for 6 months, ask any forex guy...RBI rules are for indian currency....these rules are not applicable outside india...each indian bank have tie up with foreign bank...when we draw DD in foreigb currency then the money gets transfered into NOSTRO account...whuch do nit hv any validty untill money is withdrawn...hope this is helpfull
Congrats and don't forget to update the details in spreadsheet..kuntanaveenkumar said:Hi
Finally i received my per today.
12th May applicant.
Payment Charged 23rd july CC
visa office : delhi
PER recieved : 2nd september 2014 11:57pm IST
Thanks to forum and all fellow members for supporting me and guiding me.
Oscar7 said:That's a bet I am up for - my stand is both will be over before August!! Think about it and confirm ASAP please!!! 8)
Yay, an easy opportunity to make $1000![]()