Dear friends,
Below are some questions which seems like the only thing left before sending my application to CIC, They are a bit long but may not be difficult to answer. I thought that I will put them together so that I can finish it in one shot. Cant be sure if any more questions will arise

But I think these are all that I have.
1. I am the principal applicant. My wife is a homemaker and student. Is it mandatory to specify an intended occupation for dependent Spouse? Should be written N/A in my case if wife is not planning to work?
2. Apart from that of the principal applicant and spouse is it ok if there are minor differences in spellings of the names of father, mother etc in the given supporting documents?
3. Is it ok if I write both the mailing address as well as email?
4. I hope that renewing my passport for adding my wife's name may not be an issue? Because new passport number will be there for the reissued passport whereas my IELTS test report will reflect old passport number. However, old passport number will be mentioned in the newly issued passport also.
5. Can I specify India's country code as 91 as there is not enough space for writing +91 or 0091?
6. Can I say no for the question to National ID documents as there are no specified ones for India?
7. Is it OK that I am working in the required NOC for past one year only and all the other work experiences are only related fields? So will all these be considered as total work experience?
8. Is it still Ok if my spouse is not able to effectively communicate in English and not taken a language proficiency test?
9. Can we write using pen where there is not enough space for typing? Will there be a problem for partially typing and writing?
10. Can I put field of Study for Primary school 10 years as N/A?
11. In the Generic form, some fields which are not applicable will automatically get locked based on the other info we enter. We will not be able to type anything in those fields. Should we still need to write N/A there after taking a print out? Or is it ok to leave it Blank?
12. Org membership/govt positions held. There are numerous columns for various time periods. Should I write none in each and every column or in just the first Row is enough? Will the same applies to other spaces as well where I need to write N/A ?
13. Schedule 3 economic classes how to specify if experience between 1 year and 2? The space provided is for 1 year and then between 2 year and 3 year?
14. PCC issued by local passport office/passport officer acceptable?
15. Is it Ok to use abbreviations for previous job titles, institutions etc (Market Dev Mgr for market development manager and H.S for High school?)
16. Is it compulsory that our job title should be the same as one of the title in the NOC or we can write the same job title that we worked and just specify the respective NOC code only ?
17. Who is authorized to evidence of assets and liabilities?
18. There is one column to write family name and two columns to write given names in Schedule A background declaration. Is it necessary that I distribute my given names in both columns or can I fill that in just one column?
19. Is it OK to use paper clips to arrange documents?
20. Additional family information, marital status of father and mother if father is deceased?
21. I hope filling out IMM 5409 common law is not needed for married man and wife? kindly specify not needed OR yes, it is needed
22. Can I use a notarized affidavit by my mother instead of my birth certificate?
23. I hope filling out Additional Dependents Declaration IMM0008DEPENU is not needed if only I and wife are applying as our details are already there in the Generic form? kindly specify Not needed OR yes, it is needed
24. I hope filling out Separation Declaration for Minors travelling to canada IMM5604E is also not needed as no kids/minors are travelling with us? Kindly specify Not needed OR yes, it is needed
25. I hope filling out Use of a representative IMM5476E is also not applicable as I am planning to apply by myself? kindly specify Not needed OR yes, it is needed