Thanks Ashif...i kept Pancard and Adhar card just to make application stronger however in generic form i have selected NO for NID.....
Should i keep it or remove it???
uote author=ashif_eee link=topic=199004.msg3266114#msg3266114 date=1403432903]
It seems ur docs are right...
But for:
12. Birth cerificate+marriage certificate+
PANCARD+ADHAR CARD - for Applicant+Spouse
Red docs are not requried...Coz they are not NID for Indians.....And also its not required to provide on the Genric form...
Mailing address :
CIC Citizenship and Immigration Canada
Federal skilled worker
NOC category
Primary NOC 2011 code : 2133
49 Dorchester street
Sydney, NS
B1P 5Z2
Good luck....
