Hi Ashif,
Thanks for being so pro-active on thsi forum.
I need help here for the WES bit. Am just starting the procedure and i hope its not too late already

The WES site mentions this:
You may have photocopies of your original mark sheets attested and dated by the Controller of Examinations or Registrar's Office. Please request for the attested photocopies to be placed in an official sealed envelope and have the envelope returned to you to forward to WES. NOTE: Mark sheets attested by persons outside the Controller of Examination or Registrar's Offices, such as individual professors or external notary publics, will NOT be accepted.
Please click here to download an academic transcript request form.
1. Do i have to send ONLY the transript from my UNI in sealed envelope to WES?
2. Does it have to have in addition the xerox of marks cards attested by Controller of Examinations or Registrar's Office of the Uni?
My Uni currently only has a provision fro transcripts currently. How can i get the xerox attested?