Observations may look nice only to console yourself.. but the reality may be different .
1. last year when ECA got introduced even then it didnt took 3 weeks for a cap to reach 300

this year ( just check last year spreadsheet there were 100 people in spreadsheet who couldn't make to the cap for 2174 only )
so all these people which include myself were just waiting to open if spreadsheet has 100 . imagine how many would be globally ?
ECA take lot of time , which included gathering transcripts also..and this time for such people this will not be any hurdle...
, I even got slight late because of some compulsions and could submit on 7th , even that I am considering late!!
2. I personally know many people are just silent visitor :-X
3. You can also guess that CIC is busy with huge pile of applications of very first day from past one week all are either 1112 or 2174
so no wonder they may get filled in one week only :'(
Reality is hard to digest !! :-[