Thank you Century....
Just clear me if misunderstood:
Generic Form:
Q7. Question about Qubec, I just kept this question blank. If you fill all the field from the question 1, it will be grayed out.
->Should not need to fill. keep what it is..Is it?
If any field of the generic form grayed out, leave as it is.
Q2. NID, There is no expiry date and also there are some mistake in NID. Can I submit Birth Certificate instead of NID?
Mistakes are:
->My last name is
Sharif but in NID it is written
->My father-in-laws name
Abdul but in NID it is written
If I want to write not applicable then where I can write?
Click NO at NATIONAL ID DOCUMENT section. If you have the number given in your passport, in that case, click YES. Also give a cover note that there are some mistakes in your National ID.
Additional Family form:
Section B Children(Dependent...), Where I can write Not applicable as I have no child right now?
Write it in the Name column.
I didnt get your point.
Primary education type is General or any? Science/Arts/Commerce
->Is there Science/Arts/Commerce in Primary School?

->What should use?
In our time, there was Science/Arts/Commerce section. If currently that system is not there, write General.
Economy Form:
I have loan almost 13000 CAD . Should I have to mention it in Liabilities? You should.
->My settlement balance is 14975. In that Should have to write settlement balance 14975-13000=1975?
Assets = Properties + Settlement fund; Liabilities = Liability Amount; Settlement Fund : Amount in bank/FD you want to take to Canada. Settlement fund is not equal to Assets - Liabilities. Your settlement fund is 14975.
I have purchased some properties with friends and my brother. Should I have to mention it?
Yes, mention it as your assets.
->Should I have to add it with My settlement fund 14975?
How can I show it? Please suggest. Just write the value in Canadian dollar.
Ask your bank to provide Balance Certificate in Canadian Dollar and supply the Balance Certificate as evidence.
->Should I have prepare any document for this?
Should I have to write 2014-05 or should I have write it by hand as month field is not writable.
Write 2014-05
Thanks again