Lot of the advice here might be correct and some might not be correct. I seek help from forums, but finally take my decision. There are people with good and genuine intention to help, as well as the negative type.
Some people just give ''what ever comes to mind" type of input, some try to mislead , some give genuine advice. Like in any forums, you need to filter the inputs judiciously.
Few things from my experience.
1. Only follow instructions given clearly in the checklist and reference documents. Do not try to deviate..
For work experience I have seen in few posts that affidivats can be option... Affidavits is not an option at all, unless you have a letter from your company it's not gonna work and your application will be rejected. So unless you have letter from your company do not send your application.
2. Write a covering letter. Although it's not mandatory, it's better to have one. Write one where you can show the points you received and how you received the points and the proofs you are keeping.
3. Birth certificates, if you do not have one you can submit 10th certificate or an affidiavit. Please be careful when you submit 10th certificate, it should have either of your parents name. 10th certificates of some boards (like ICSE), do not have parents name so they will be invalid and your application will be returned.
Last year there were few applicaitons rejected, because of Birth certificate issues.
4. Documentation work is not easy, it is a time taking process. Take couple of days off from your work and spend for documentation. Review your packet thoroughly.. Any small mistake (like signature missing, date missing) your app will be rejected rightaway.
5. You need to show proof only for settlement funds. Proof is not needed for Assets and Liabilites.
6. For DD you can approach Thomas cook or Standard chattered. Most other banks , esp nationlized, give DD valid for 3 month only.
If using CC, confirm with your bank if you can do a international transaction and if there are any limits. Also tell them about a expected canadian transaction.
7. From some parts of India UPS is a faster option to NS. So enquire with both Fedex and UPS and send your packet... Every day counts.
Packets sent on Friday or Saturday usually reach on the same day as the packets will be held up on sunday at a base location. So utilize the additional day if you are sending packet on Friday for a review.
8. Last year the time taken from application to visa from New Delhi office is about 10-12 months. So this new FSWP is quite faster.
10. It takes about forty five days to two months time for you to know the next status of your application. Till then zero inputs, first input to you will be charging of CC. If your CC is charged you are mostly done.
11. For WES documents, some universities take lot of time. U need to find out a DESI way to have this faster