Hi guys,
Pls I am applying under NOC 1114,and my job duties matches that of financial planners.my question is in my schedule 3 formm under question 12a,I want to fill NOC 1114;can I put financial planners in bracket since that's what matches my job best:I mean like this;NOC 1114 -other financial officers(financial planner) or I should not bother?.
And for 12b,I 'll fill Personal account officer as that is my present designation.hope that's ok as well.
Also,I hv bn working in the bank for 8years now but I started job duties matching noc 1114 abt 2yrs and 4monts ago,when I got promoted to that level,does that mean I will be awarded only 11points for experience instead of 15?,although my reference letter is fully detailed as to evry job duties I've done at diff positions since the 8years I started working wt d bank.
I also noticed that there arre about 6 different titles under noc 1114,do I hv to hv experience in all or just having experience in one only for example financial planner is ok?.
Sorry for the long post but I really need answers to these questions as I am filling my form presently.thank u