Some more important information from the manual. May it relieves someone of their mistake they have made.
Items that CIC-CEC return applications for:
1. Generic Application Form: if the client indicates that they intend to live in a province other than the one nominating them
2. Schedule A: if not provided for everyone 18 years of age or older
3. Supplementary Information - your travels: if not submitted with application
4. Schedule 8: if Principal applicant (PA) does not provide valid 4 digit NOC code
5. Additional Family Information; if not provided for everyone 18 years of age or older, if there are dependents listed that are not included on the IMM0008 (and no affidavit explaining why they are not being included) or if it is not signed in of the 3 areas
6. Use of Rep Form: clients are not required to use representative, however if they choose to hire a paid rep, the rep must be valid rep. They may also choose to use a family or friend as an unpaid rep. The rep form must contain reps contact information as well as be signed and dated by principal applicant.
7. Identity and Civil Documents: PA and all dependants are required to provide birth certificates, however, in some cases/countries birth certificates are unavailable, therefore other documentation such as school records, ID cards, household registers or affidavit are acceptable depending upon the case.
8. Travel Documents/Passports: PA must provide passport, all other dependants are only required to submit passport if listed on application
9. Photos: PA and all dependents must provide atleast one photo whether they are accompanying or not
10. Language Test: If language test is not an original and does not meet requirements where a photocopy is acceptable
11. Fees: return if not signed, not sufficient funds, stale dates, not in canadian funds,