I have sent an additional document with detail job duties and experience letter. can additional documents push your application que back???????
Yes, the additional documents push back your app date. Now, your app date will be the date when your addendum reached CIO.
since i ve not received my application back yet, does this mean my application is still in que????
Yes, it's on HOLD now due to the addendum. CIC people will do completeness check once again.
or its better to send new application package again now or wait for some more days and look for cic response???
Look nobody is SURE about the addendum cases, it wholly solly depends upon the Visa Officer whether to add the addendum docs to the application or not. Yes, prepare new application as well as per new cap update (Physiotherapists -->273)
I have already emailed them 3 times but have not got any response.??
They will reply only when they have added the addendum documents to you app and it's after 35-45 days after the addendum docs received date